Page 59 of Tats

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This shit ends today.

I throw my phone in my bag before rushing out of the staff room, determined to put this bitch in her place.

If these women think a forced kiss will break us, then they’re fucking idiots. I've already lost my parents and sister; like hell will I lose Jayden, too.

When I get to my pickup, I throw the door open and chuck my bag inside, before climbing in and starting her up. I pull out of the parking lot, my anger burning inside.

The absolute nerve of people.

I can see now why he wants nothing to do with the club or women like this.

My mind goes haywire as I turn down the street onto the back road, wanting to cut the journey down, when suddenly, tires screech and something smashes into the side of my pickup. I scream as the truck spins out of control before something smashes into me again. My heart pounds as the truck flips, causing my head to bang on the window. I’m out before the pain even registers.



I chuckle as I watch Cannon plead with Phil, April's dad and his old man, on the phone about not painting their room at the club bright pink.

"I don't care if April likes the color; paint her room at the house instead!"

I snort at his tone. It's like he's forgotten who he's settled down with. The man had a kid with Liv, his best friend, which means both are trouble together. The man's just dug his own grave.

He glares at me, making me grin.

"Phil!" he snaps, "We're gay, yes, but that doesn't mean everything has to be fucking pink!"

I bite my lip, trying to hold in my laughter, quickly leaving the reception area before he throws something at me. I head back to my room to prepare for my client, who wants a full sleeve done. It will take me roughly fifteen hours to do the outline, which means time away from my woman, which I am not happy about.

I should have booked him in my room at home over the next few days instead of at the shop.

"No, don't you fucking dare get Liv or Sarah in on this; they'll destroy my fucking bike!" I hear him growl as I enter my room, my laughter echoing through the walls as the panic in his voice shines through. Shaking my head, I shut the door, grab my cleaning spray, and wipe the chair down, missing my woman.

We haven't had much alone time recently, which needs to change.

Most days, my father shows up at my home, spending the evenings with me and my girl, proving his word while also taking away my naked time with my sexy ass wife. He's trying to heal our relationship, pushing himself into my life, getting to know me and my girl, and not allowing me to step back. I've shown him the life I've built outside of the club, showing him how settled I am, how fucking happy I am. He brings up the club most days, refusing to allow me to hand in my patch, but my family comes first, and the brothers, well, they've not been my family. They've not been there when I needed them.

My Shorty questioned what it would take for me to at least give the brothers a try, but honestly, I don't think they can do anything.

There is too much water under the bridge and all that.

I sigh as I set up my tattoo gun, wondering when my father will pop in because he's “in the area,” which he has done several times already. Momma is going to end up thinking he's having an affair.

I'm trying, but it will take time, and the only reason I'm willing to try is because of my wife. She's lost her parents and would do anything to have them back, so I won't knock his efforts. Plus, she gets along with my dad quite well.

I've just finished setting everything up when there's a knock on my door. I chuckle, thinking it's my dad, and state, "It's open."

My smile soon fades when Colleen walks in, and I narrow my eyes. Still, she just smiles, removing her coat and showing that she’s wearing nothing but red lace lingerie, causing my blood to boil with anger.

She starts to walk my way and I growl, "Get the fuck out of my room now," but she doesn't listen, instead she rushes up to me and tries to kiss me.

Just before her lips touch me, I shove her away, shouting, "What the fuck!"

She scowls. "Seriously, Tats, it's been years! What the hell is your problem? Are you fucking gay? Is that it?"

I chuckle darkly as I hold my left hand up, making her eyes go wide at the ring.

I sneer, "Actually bitch, I'm fucking married." Her face goes red, and I smirk. "Pretty sure this little episode of sexual harassment is grounds for immediate termination of your employment, Colleen."
