Page 60 of Tats

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She opens her mouth to speak when Cannon storms into my room with the egg donor, dragging her in as she tries to get out of his hold, growling at him.

"Get the fuck off me, you brute."

I raise a brow and tilt my head, asking, "Now, what do we have here?"

Snatch freezes at the sound of my voice.

She looks my way as Cannon growls, "This bitch was recording Colleen coming onto you. She fucking made it look like you were cheating on your wife." He throws a phone over to me, and I catch it.

Snatches eyes widen as she stutters, "W-Wife?"

I ignore her and open her text threads. A message to Vi's number shows, and my anger takes hold as I storm over to the woman who birthed me and grab her neck, making her gasp in shock. I turn my head to Cannon and snap, "Call a prospect to come to collect these pieces of shit."

He nods and grabs Colleen, who tries to run past him. She cries out as he drags her toward the back door, his phone to his ear.

"Please, please, it was her idea," she pleads, but her plea falls on deaf ears.

I look back at Snatch, who smirks and says, "How does it feel to lose everything like I did by having you?"

I smirk back, making her furrow her brows as I reply, "Do you really think my wife, the woman I've been with for over three years, would believe that photo? If anything, she'll be on her way here to kick the shit outta Colleen. And I didn’t ruin your life, bitch, you did by breathing."

I expect her to scowl, pissed that her plan failed, but instead, she grins as her phone pings. I narrow my eyes and look as the bitch starts laughing. My body freezes at the words on the screen.

Unknown: thanks for the assist. The bitch will be dead soon.

I open the attachment, and panic hits seeing my girl's pickup bashed up, un-fucking-fixable and upside down, her body lying half in the cab and half out of the window.

Nausea hits me while Snatch's cackling gets louder before she starts to choke, my hold on her neck tightening. Heavy footsteps can be heard from down the hallway.

I look toward the door as my father rushes in, his brows furrowing, seeing my most likely feral look.

"P-Please, I-I I'm you-your mother."

I give her a cold look, gripping her neck tighter as I rasp, "You were never a mother, and now you've just hurt my wife and baby."

My father steps forward, but I don't look at him. Instead, I chuck the phone at him and watch as Snatch's lips go blue. I don't release my hold on her.

For years I have taken her abuse, but this, this is my wife, my love, and she's fucked up.

My father doesn't step in to stop me; instead, I hear him on the phone, stating, "Snake, we need a clean-up at Devil's Tats, and an emergency church right fucking now. Snatch is done."

Snatch's eyes widen more, realizing Iron won't stop me, and she starts to struggle, but I don't give up on my hold. I watch as the life bleeds from her eyes, regret shining through them just as they go blank. I keep my hold until she's completely limp, her chest unmoving, before throwing the trash on the floor. My breathing is heavy as pain shoots through me, knowing my wife may have lost our baby.

My fucking wife, who has, by the looks of the picture, been fucking taken. My fears are coming to life right before me, even after trying to keep her separate from this life.

"Son, let's go, come on…."

I give my dad a nod and step over the dead body. I storm out of the shop, my pulse racing.

Ten minutes later, David, a prospect, opens the gate quickly when he notices I'm not stopping. I skid to a stop near the door, and quickly rush inside.

My dad follows and booms, "Everyone except club out now!"

Everyone looks at him in shock as I peer around the room. I notice Tech with his ex, Nina, trying to talk to him, but he's ignoring her, staring off into space, most likely missing Brook.

I shout, getting his attention, "Tech, I need you to get the footage from the back road near the home now, and rewind it from now until two thirty."

He furrows his brows but gets his laptop out as Snake rushes into the room and states, "This is an emergency meeting, brothers only. Everyone else needs to leave."
