Page 65 of Tats

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He growls, "A pink balloon bomb in my fucking work room?"

I giggle, wishing I'd seen his face when the balloon fell off his door when he opened it. He turns me around. My giggles soon turn into a full-blown laugh, seeing his whole head covered in pink paint.

He raises his brow and asks, "Oh, so you think this is funny, huh?"

My eyes widen at his tone, and before I can move, he starts to rub his head over my neck and shoulder, trying to get the paint on my face. I keep moving my head as I screech in laughter, trying to get away from him. I manage to just get out of his arms and run, but he grabs hold of me again, gently lifting me, and running to the pool.

One minute, I'm up in the air, the next, I'm surrounded by water.

I laugh loudly as I wrap my arms around Jayden's neck, placing my lips against his. I feel him smile against me as he wraps his arms around me and rasps against my lips, "I love you, Shorty, pranks and all."

My heart soars, full of love, as I smile wide, replying, "Even with the salt in the coffee?"

He chuckles. "I think I can live without that one."

I laugh and kiss him.

Drops of water sprinkle on my face, waking me. Pain sparks through me as I open my eyes and see Dexter. The dream felt so real.

He takes a seat and looks over my bruised and bloodied body. Weeks' worth of his beatings. I'm covered in my own feces and urine, and I know I've lost weight, making my bump more pronounced.

"I barely feed you, yet you're getting fatter." I ignore his words, the idiot, but he continues anyway. "I need that money, Violet. It's rightfully mine. He was my brother."

Again, I ignore him. We both know it isn't rightfully his. My father hired him on the lowest rung of his lawn company. He stole my father's details and caused millions of dollars’ worth of debt, debt my father was in the middle of moving into Dexter's name, according to the lawyer. He just ran out of time.

Dexter continues to ramble. "I should have made sure you were in the car that night, then everything would have been mine, fucking everything. I should have known you'd be his heir."

I rasp back, "Actually, Daddy's will stated everything would have gone to several different charities."

His eyes widen in shock as I furrow my brows, finally realizing what he said.

"Y-You…kill-killed my-my parents…." I whisper in a stutter.

He swallows hard and looks away before snapping, "He wouldn't help me with the debt. It was him or me."

My tears burn my eyes as I state, "You killed not just-just two lo-loving parents, one of them yo-your own brother, but also an innocent baby!"

He flinches, his face going red as he rushes up and punches me in the face.

Everything dims, my vision blurring, and his cursed, "Fuck!" is the last thing I hear.

Jayden inhales deeply as his arms tighten around me, the water around us swishing with his movement. I sigh in contentment, gently grazing my fingers over his arms.

"I love being in the tub with you…" he whispers in my ear, making me smile.

I hum and reply, "I love being in your arms. Doesn't matter where I am, as long as it's in your arms."

He kisses behind my ear and asks, "You excited?"

I smile wide. "To be marrying the man I love more than anything? A man who managed to worm his way into my cold, dead heart?" He squeezes me in warning, hating that I talk about myself that way. "I can't wait to become your wife in two days, Jayden. You're my family, my heart. I love you."

I can feel his lips tilt against my skin before he gently caresses my neck, rasping, "I love you, too, baby…."

I blink awake, radiating up my arms. I see Dexter burning a spoon before placing the metal on my arm. I wince and look the other way.

"You know, all you have to do is sign the paperwork, then the torture will stop. I'll make things easier for you and slit your throat."

I ignore him, trying to cling to the dream of Jayden, wishing we were still in the tub, talking about our future.
