Page 67 of Tats

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I don't turn around from where I'm sitting. I'm in the club's common room, spending more time here, and not of my own accord. Apparently, my parents are worried about me.

I mean, what's there to worry about? It's not like I'm going to stab someone…. Wait, yeah, I did that last week when some dirty drug runner decided to run his mouth. I didn't give a shit about witnesses or cameras. I grabbed my knife from my boot and stabbed him in the neck.

Man, that was a sight…. My bloodlust is building the longer I'm away from my girl.

"But Sniper, he's a single brother…."

I snort, Smokey's, "Oh shit," just hitting my ears as I slowly turn my head to the fake blonde bimbo. She flinches at my look, taking a step back as half the brothers stand, expecting me to flip and, yeah, they're right.

I slowly stand, towering over the woman who is wearing nothing but a bra and panties, whose face has gone white as a sheet.

I lift my left hand, the clubwhores all gasping, seeing the wedding band.

I state, "Actually, cunt, I'm married. Do yourself a fucking favor." I lean down. "Run, before I kill you."

Her body shakes, piss leaking down her leg as she turns round, tripping over in her heels, before rushing down the hallway to the room she shares with three other clubwhores. I look at all the other bitches, and they all flinch, looking down before I look at the brothers.

Concern etches everyone’s faces, and I feel like I can't fucking breathe right now. I know I need to get out of this room. Shaking my head, I walk toward the back door, slamming through it before stopping on the wooden patio, and taking a deep breath. I look up to the night sky.

Three weeks without my girl…. Three fucking weeks of not finding her.

Where the fuck is she?

I stare into the distance as the back door opens again, footsteps echoing on the wooden surface before they stop.

"Brother?" Sniper questions from behind me.

I shake my head and admit with a broken rasp, "I feel like I'm fucking dying…."

He grips my shoulder in support, staying quiet for a moment before he asks, "How did you keep her away from club life?"

I furrow my brows and look at him. "What do you mean?"

He winces a little. "Okay, so I may have, sort of fucked up…."

I snort. "Brother, you always fuck up…. Which man's woman did you fuck this time?" He shuffles his feet, making me turn my body to him. I am happy for the distraction. "Sniper, spit it out."

His throat bobs as he gets a cigarette out, placing it in his mouth before lighting it. I wait him out because, clearly, something big has happened.

As long as he didn't fuck his high school math teacher and her daughter in the same day again, then we're good…. I think.

He runs his hand through his hair and admits, "A few months ago, I started seeing this single mom." My brows raise, and he winces as he admits, "She doesn't know I'm part of an MC. When we first met, she clearly stated she didn't trust them."

My mouth opens in shock as I stutter, "B-Brother…I-I fuck, I didn't exactly lie about the brotherhood, Violet and I, fuck, we came to the decision, between us, that keeping her separate was for the best. Why in the fuck didn't you just tell her the truth?"

He groans and starts to pace, agitation clouding the air as he states, "There's something there, I mean really fucking there. I knew they were mine, and I couldn't lose them."

I clear my throat. "You're going to have to tell her, brother, before someone else does."

He winces as panic enters his brown eyes, knowing I'm right. He goes to say something but I hear someone shouting my name. We both look at the door, at each other, and then rush to the back door. We scramble into the common room to see everyone standing in confusion, looking at my dad and Tech, who both look my way, and my dad grins.

"Son, I fucking found them…" he announced, and I step forward as Snake jolts into action.

"Right, Smokey, Iron, Sniper, Breaker, and I will ride on the bikes. Phil will drive the van with Tats. Doc, prepare the room with Liv, Momma, Rose, and Emily. I don't know what state she's going to be in, and we can't take her to the ER without raising questions. Baby, I need you to stay with the kids." Everyone nods before he looks my way. "You ready to bring your old lady home?"

I shake my head at the fucker, making him grin. He won't give up.

Forty minutes later, we're slowly approaching an old, abandoned warehouse, just outside town.
