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Josh was constantly being stopped by people offering greetings, and Micki noticed to her displeasure how many women wanted to buttonhole him, as if she wasn’t standing right there. Each time he introduced her, keeping his hand on her elbow possessively and she murmured polite greetings which were for the most part ignored. When they finally reached the table she had a headache starting but she summoned her best smile.

Two extremely handsome men who were unmistakably Josh’s brothers rose to their feet as the two of them approached.

“And these rascals, who probably couldn’t dance one tenth as well as I do if they tried are my oldest brother Jarred and my younger brother Sam.”

“I’m delighted to meet you, Ms. Allwell,” Jarred said, extending his hand. “Josh has been singing your praises on our family chat loop for weeks now.”

Surprised, Micki blushed and shook hands. “Please call me Micki. No need to be so formal.”

When it was his turn Sam said, “I hope I can have one dance with you, Micki. Don’t let Josh keep you all to himself tonight.”

Not sure what to say, Micki looked at Josh and he jumped in smoothly. “Only if you behave yourself and promise not to tread on her toes. Micki’s a professional dancer, not a socialite on the hunt for a Benfield. Those girls will put up with anything in their single minded pursuit of you, even your two left feet.”

They all sat down and there was a moment or two of stilted chat before the brothers segued into discussing a major deal Jarred was trying to close and wanted Josh’s input on. People kept coming up to the table to talk to the brothers, including many beautiful women who flirted and obviously had long standing friendships with one or the other of the men. Micki tried to put herself into a serene state of mind and people watch. She’d tell Tassia all the details when the magic night was over. There was a live band playing in the other half of the immense space and people were dancing. Micki was a bit surprised Josh didn’t ask her to dance but maybe he preferred to save his energy for the show. Despite his earlier remark Sam didn’t ask her to dance either although he did venture onto the dance floor with several girls during the delay before dinner was served.

There was a big stir at the entrance and Micki pivoted in her chair to see who was arriving.

“Seven hells she can’t ever simply walk into an event, can she?” Josh asked, rising from his chair. “We’d better go do the obligatory kiss on the cheek and escort her to the table.” He leaned over to tell Micki, “My mother loves to show off her sons.”

“About as much as she likes to be the center of all eyes,” Jarred added. “She’s upset our fourth brother couldn’t be here tonight. He’s in the doghouse.”

“We’ll be right back.” Josh and his brothers left Micki alone at the table. She didn’t mind, although sitting in such a prominent place all by herself was awkward. She pulled out her handheld, which she’d seen other people doing, so she was sure she wouldn’t be committing a social faux pas and sent Tassia a quick message about the event so far.

A woman slid into the chair next to Micki, startling her. “I’m so glad I caught you alone.”

She seemed to be familiar to Micki but she couldn’t quite place her. “I’m sorry and you are?”

“Tess Rivos, from Sectors Comprehensive News. I’m covering this event for the network—we made a big donation so we got a table inside.” Tess’s tone indicated she felt it was quite a coup. “So are you and Josh Benfield a couple or a flash in the pan?”

“I beg your pardon?” Micki was stunned at the reporter’s gall. “I don’t think the family would appreciate you sitting at their table.”

“Oh relax, honey, their mother always makes a grand entrance and it’ll take her a long time to get here.” Eyes narrowed, Tess said, “I don’t think Josh has ever brought one of his flings to a ball, certainly not to the family table. What makes you special?”

Her breath taken away by the outrageous question, Micki couldn’t form a response. She was tempted to throw her glass of water in the woman’s face but if she did there’d be a scandal and Josh would be embarrassed.

“Never mind, I can see you’re not going to answer the question so here’s another—what’s your next project going to be? Got anything lined up yet?”

“I’ll be rejoining the Comettes,” Micki said, “Not that this is any of your business.”

“Is there a problem, Ms. Allwell?” One of the security guards was now standing next to her and she appreciated his intervention.

Tess popped up from her chair. “I’m leaving. Thanks for the interview, Micki. I think I got enough.”

“I didn’t tell her anything,” Micki said to the bodyguard, who was frowning. “Is she going to make something up?”

“Probably,” the man replied in such a serious tone Micki couldn’t even hope he was joking. “I’ll report this to my boss but I advise you to tell Mr. Benfield as well.” He stepped away and Micki scanned the crowd for Josh, only to find all three brothers and their mother arriving at the table.

Heart pounding, Micki got to her feet.

“Mother, this is Micki Allwell, my partner in crime on Interstellar Stars Dancing,” Josh said.

“I’m so pleased to meet you.” Micki’s nerves made her voice shaky.

Adelina Benfield assessed her from head to toe, cold blue eyes narrowed. Micki bet the matriarch knew to a tenth of a credit what every piece of clothing she was wearing had cost and probably assumed—correctly—Josh had paid for them. She was unsmiling. Her face had compelling beauty and she appeared quite young for her age. Micki had read on more than one gossip site how the generational billionaire families acquired their own private rejuve resonance generators, which legally could only belong to the military, and used the machines to stave off the bodily changes due to natural aging. Confronted with Mrs. Benfield, Micki believed it.

“Mother, need I remind you people are watching?” Josh said in an urgent whisper.

“Let them. There’s no rush.” Her voice was patrician and glacial.
