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“It’s all in who you know,” Micki said casually as she walked with the choreographer toward Mr. Bevnar's office.

“And Benfield isn’t paying for this,” the woman said. “It’s in the contract he can’t?—”

“Ryder is doing this as a personal favor to me,” Micki said. And to Maeve. But that part was her secret. “He’ll even come to the dress rehearsal briefly, for the tech.”

“You’ve got balls, I’ll say that.” The choreographer’s tone was admiring. “You and Benfield should win on that basis alone, but of course it’s ultimately up to our audience. Snagging Ryder McRhodes of all people to be your personal accompanist is beyond anything anyone else has ever done on this crazy show.”

Telling Josh the news that evening was almost as satisfying as thoroughly confounding the choreographer and the showrunner. Micki couldn’t keep the secret any longer as they were eating the excellent dinner Chef Stephanie sent up to Josh’s suite. “So I’ve set the music for our finale,” she said, casually buttering a roll.

“So you did dream us a dance?” Josh’s reaction was enthusiastic. “Now I know we’ll win.”

“This music is special. It required advance work to arrange.”

“Now I’m curious.”

“Ryder McRhodes has agreed to write an original song for us and to perform it live on the night of the finale.” Micki took a bite of her roll and awaited Josh’s reaction. She could tell she’d taken him totally by surprise and she had a flash of satisfaction.

“How in the seven hells did you swing his involvement?” he asked.

“Maeve introduced us and then he said he’d missed working with other creatives. Oh and he feels we on the Nebula Zephyr are a family, which we are.” She added the best part. “And he’s doing it for free.”

Josh’s jaw dropped. “I’m going to have you negotiate the next big Benfield contract—no one could reasonably expect to swing a deal on those terms and you did it.”

The pride in his voice warmed her and she was glad she’d made herself take the risks. “Are you ready to see my rough draft of the dance? We have to begin rehearsals tomorrow.”

“Ryder’s writing us a song by tomorrow?”

“Well, no, we’ll have to use placeholder music for a day or two, which isn’t ideal but the dance is the dance.”

“I’m good at maneuvering in antigrav,” he said, leaning over the table with a big smile. “You may be surprised.”

Josh wasn’t simply good, he was exceptional in antigrav, a complete natural. He loved her choreography and for once Micki was challenged to keep up with him. On the second day of rehearsal, which they were doing in the ship’s security training room, which had an antigrav setup, Micki’s handheld buzzed and when she went to check, there was an invitation from Ryder. “He wants us to come to his suite in an hour to hear our new song.” Butterflies of excitement set her stomach fluttering. Like it or hate it, she’d have to use whatever he’d composed but she was sure the music would be wonderful.

“We’d better get back to the suite and shower,” Josh said.

“Uh huh, separately or an hour may not be enough time,” Micki replied with a raised eyebrow.

He assumed a fake innocent air. “I can’t imagine what you’re talking about.”

One way and another they arrived at the secret suite on Level C at the appointed time and Ryder let them in. “My wife wanted to meet you and she just got off her shift in the engine room.” The rock star introduced them to Addy, who enthused at great length about all of their dances.

“We have a true fan here, I can tell,” Josh said to Ryder after Micki blushingly accepted the praise. “And for my part, I’m a huge fan of yours, man. My brothers and I made it to a number of your concerts back in the day but even with all our pull we never managed to get a backstage pass. Except once but the party was so intense we didn’t get a chance to meet you.”

“I’ve turned a new leaf,” Ryder said easily, going to the piano which dominated the living room. “No more parties. No more concerts either.” He exchanged a glance with his wife. “I understand the reconstituted band is doing fine without me, like I told them at the time.” He ran his hands over the keys and played a rather discordant set of notes. Micki hoped it wasn’t part of her song because it didn’t fit the mood of her dance at all.

“Well it’s an honor to have you doing the music for our finale,” Josh said.

“Ready to hear it?” Ryder asked, fingers poised over the keys.

Josh and Micki joined Addy on the couch and Ryder launched into the song. From the first soaring notes Micki was mesmerized. This was exactly what she’d hoped for and as he played she could visualize every move of the dance, right up to the triumphant finale. When Ryder finished and looked at them expectantly, she clapped her hands and jumped to her feet.

“It’s perfect. And the part where I want the spirit of the ship to spiral up and join the captain--” She demonstrated a few steps, although of course it would be happening in antigrav. "Magnificent.”

“I’m glad you like it.” Ryder left the piano and his wife handed him a glass of fruit juice. “I’ll send you the song later this evening. I heard a few notes I want to smooth out. What did you think?” he asked Addy and it was plain to Micki how crucial his wife’s opinion was to him. “Did I capture what you heard in the starsong?”

“As closely as someone who isn’t me can,” she replied. “If I close my eyes I definitely hear the echo. Maeve should be pleased.”

Micki and Josh stayed a little bit longer, chatting with the couple and then departed to his suite. As they floated upward in the gravlift, Josh said, “Even if I lose my brothers are going to be so jealous I met Ryder McRhodes and he played a song he wrote specifically for us, this whole competition will have been worth it.” He immediately added, “Although finding you and falling in love has been life changing and the best thing ever to happen to me.” He caught her hand as he stepped off on Level A. “I mean that from the bottom of my heart, which is completely yours by the way.”
