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“I don’t care,” Josh said, “But I guess we should go do the polite things.”

“We have a wedding to plan,” Micki said in stark terror.

“And I want it soon and I want it to be whatever you want. But we don’t have to plan it tonight.” His admonition was amused and affectionate. “Tonight we savor being the Season 20 Champions of the ISD and being engaged in the eyes of the galaxy. Not in that order of course.”

“Pretty slick move, asking me on stage right after we won. How did you know I was going to say yes?” she asked, running her fingers through his hair and gazing at him with a teasing smile. “What if I’d said no?”

“I knew you weren’t going to break up our winning team, Ms. Allwell, soon to be Mrs. Benfield.”

“And you were right as usual.” Micki kissed him again, heedless of the impatient brother outside the door and the waiting wider world of friends and families beyond. Some things had to be celebrated thoroughly in her opinion.


Two months later…

Micki contemplated her image in the full-length mirror as her bridesmaids fussed around her, making sure her dress and train were arranged perfectly, ready to go down the aisle. Director Cartajj, who Micki had asked to give her away, in lieu of any family of her own, stood nearby in an elegant mauve suit, waiting to escort her. Tassia, the matron of honor (although the title made her friend giggle and say somewhat mysteriously it was the best title she’d ever had) was ready in her lavender and ivory gown. The bridal gown was a Twilka Zabour original, as were the bridesmaids’ dresses and the designer had flown in on her personal yacht to do the final fittings. When Josh Benfield said he was sparing no expense to make his bride’s day perfect, he meant it.

The eight weeks since winning the ISD trophy had been so busy Micki’s head whirled when she remembered all that had happened. She’d done a final week of performances with the Comettes, because her heart was already aching at giving up her place in the troupe, even though she was moving on to a different life. The house had been sold out every night and several entertainment media outlets had sought and received permission to film portions of the performance.

Micki was now the executive director of the Benfield Displaced Persons Relief Fund, a huge charity Josh had set up and given significant seed money to. He’d hired Willene Gauman away from her own organization to serve as Micki’s deputy director and the two women were currently deep in reviewing proposed projects to identify the ones the foundation should tackle first. She was excited about the concept and her role in decision making and fund raising.

Ryder McRhodes’ single of their song from the ISD finale had gone mega platinum Sectors-wide and he’d made a big donation to her new charity and pledged to perform at a benefit show as soon as Micki and Willene pulled one together. He’d offered to get other celebrities he knew to participate as well, maybe even the incomparable Karissa Dawnstar. Micki suspected Ryder was bored with his current non-rockstar lifestyle and had hopes of making him an official member of the charity’s Board. His enthusiasm and support were golden.

Of course whenever the benefit show happened, she’d dance. Josh had added a complete dance studio to his private yacht, which was huge, and Micki was determined to maintain her level as an elite dancer.

Josh’s mother had been kind to Micki in her condescending, glacial way and Josh had confided how much she wanted grandchildren to carry on the Benfield name. “I’m the first one to settle down and who might actually give her a few of those grandchildren so of course she’s more than happy to welcome you to the family. You tamed me, or so she believes.”

Her attendants cleared out of the room for a minute, giving Micki a little time to herself. She clutched her bouquet and worked on her breathing, trying to stay calm. Stars and comets, she could dance the most insanely difficult choreo without falling on her face—surely she could get down the damn aisle with style and grace. And Josh would be waiting.

She’d dreamt last night but instead of a new dance the dream was of her mother, leaning over the bed and kissing her good night. “You’ve chosen a good man,” her mother said. “Just as I dreamed, so long ago. I’m proud of you and what you’re going to do for people like us, the lost of the Sectors. I love you so much—be happy, my daughter.”

And as Micki woke up with goose bumps on her arms, her mother was gone. She’d been alone in her cabin, because she and Josh were observing the old superstition about the groom not seeing the bride before the wedding, but now she regretted her choice. She wanted him to put his arms around her and keep her safe and cherished tonight of all nights, when her life was about to undergo such a huge change.

“Maeve, can you?—”

“I already called him,” the Ship said. “He’s on his way.”

There was a discreet chiming at the entry to her quarters and next minute Josh was there, ready to comfort and cuddle. He snuck out again early in the morning of their wedding day and headed to his suite on Level A.

“The two of you will be very happy,” Maeve said now, from the thin air.

“Thank you for all your help.” Micki wished the AI had a corporeal presence because she’d love to give Maeve a hug.

“I’ll ensure the ship sails especially smoothly for you today. My best wishes.” Micki heard the Ryder song faintly in the air and then Maeve clicked off and her bridesmaids were rushing in.

“Time to go,” Tassia said. “You don’t want to be late.”

“Captain Fleming will wait, I assure you,” Director Cartajj said, taking Micki’s arm while Liam moved to her other side.

The group of friends escorted her from the chapel’s waiting room to the entry of the largest of the wedding venues on the Nebula Zephyr. Micki heard the captain, who was their officiant, request the gathering to rise and then Ryder, who’d offered to play for her today, struck the first notes of the eons old wedding march handed down from the ancestors on Old Terra. Her bridesmaids moved through the door on the arms of the groomsmen, including two of Josh’s brothers. The other sibling was his best man today. Tassia and Liam went next and then finally Micki and her escort stepped into the room.

She saw only Josh, waiting for her at the end of the aisle. The rest of the guests were merely a blur as she walked confidently to her partner in dance and in life. She had a wild moment of wondering if he’d catch her and lift her if she suddenly broke into the run from their week six dance and knew of course he would. She stifled a giggle, which made Riall glance at her with raised eyebrows, and then she was at the dais.

Riall stepped aside and Josh took her hand and all was right with the universe.

* * *
