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“What would you do if he did?” she asked. “Would you put him down? Would you mind the big guy, and protect the humans from him?”

“Probably. Gunner deserves everything that’s coming for him.”

“You don’t mean that—”

“I do!”

“You owe me!” she shrieked.

“Owe you for what?”

“You know what.” She shook her head and clenched her jaw, then whispered it again, softer. “You know what. You hurt me. You left me, and you hurt me, and then you punished me for moving on.”

His phone was ringing in his car again, and he gripped his hips and growled out, “You can guess who that is.”

“Making sure his little servant does what he is ordered to,” Cadence ground out.

“What problem do you have with him? He’s fair.”

“Says you—”

“Says everyone!”

“I don’t say that,” Assface chimed in from where he was standing off to the side watching them.

“What is this, Cadence? Huh?” Lucas gestured to the park. “You’ll rebuild this place, but you’re what? Sticking it to the man? Waste of fucking time. Who killed the hiker?”

Cadence crossed her arms over her bare breasts and stared off into the woods.

“Tell me!” Lucas demanded.

“No one,” she murmured.

“Holy shit!” Assface exclaimed. “You can make her mind you?”

“No!” Cadence yelled. “Go inside, Kru!”

“Let me guess,” Lucas called after him. “You spell it with a K?”

“And a ‘u’. No one here cares about your opinion, so you can shut up,” the shifter growled as he strode for the trailer at the edge of the woods.

“I told you it would work,” someone said from a door that was cracked open on the nearest mobile home.

“Show yourself,” Lucas barked.

The door creaked open, and a petite woman with her hair in two braids stepped out onto the small porch. He couldn’t see her very well in the shadows, but she didn’t look like anyone he knew. She probably wasn’t a registered shifter either. Why was Cadence collecting misfits?

“Who are you?” Lucas asked.

The woman’s lips parted, but no words came out.

It was Cadence who answered. “Wow.” She was nodding like a bobblehead. “Nice, asshole.”

“What?” Lucas asked. “You know, never mind,” he said, looking from face to face. “I’m outta here—”

“I need you to stay.”

That word combination from Cadence’s mouth dredged up a flashback that threatened to double him over. She’d said those words to him before. He swallowed hard. “We talked about this already.”
