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She made a clicking sound behind her teeth. “I don’t want to see,” she groused. “You stupid boys and your stupid dominance fights and for what?” She let the hem of his shirt fall. “Go shower.”

He was biting back a smile, and that only irritated her more. “It’s not funny.”

“I feel like I’m getting in trouble at school. It’s kind of funny.”

She yanked the ice pack off his cheek and sauntered to the bathroom, turned on the water all the way hot, and waited impatiently with her fingertips under the running faucet for the shower to heat up.

Lucas followed her much more slowly, removing his shirt gingerly as he limped into the bathroom.

The sight of his muscles was also annoying. Why? Because she kept staring. “You know, what is all this for?” she asked, waving her hand in his general direction. “Does a man really need an eight-pack? Really?”

He looked down at himself. “I count six.” He pulled the front of his sweats lower and flexed.

“Enough! Come here.” The water was hot enough. “Wash all the blood off. You smell like a wild animal.”

“You like it,” he accused her.

Indeed, she did feel a little worked up in this small space with him, but he didn’t need to know that she was ridiculously attracted to him in this state. She’d seen him at war. She’d seen him with his focus on maiming. She’d seen his power, his confidence. And now he was here in her home, shirtless and battle-scarred and teasing, and relaxed, and smelling like dominance and blood and sweat, and flashing his damn demigod abs everywhere. This was ridiculous. What was wrong with her!

Jenna scrubbed her hands over her face and stood in a rush. “I’m going to get you some fresh clothes. Where is your stuff?”

He leaned back against the counter and cocked his head, and damn his stupid crooked smile, drawing her in.

“Where?” she demanded.

“In the weird-ass replica of ten-ten.”

She bustled past him.

“Whose idea was it to rebuild that trailer anyway?”

She ignored his question and rushed out the door and into the cool night. On the porch, she rolled her head back and dragged breath into her lungs, closed her eyes against the stars that twinkled down at her. He’d kissed the devil out of her earlier and now he was half-naked in her home.

Today had taken a turn, but for the life of her, she couldn’t figure it if it was for the worse, or the better.

“I have one request.”

Jenna startled hard and her eyes flew open. She nearly screamed when she saw Kru standing right next to the porch.

“Name your firstborn after me. I basically got you two together.”

“We are not together!” she argued, stomping down the stairs. “Stop following me!”

Kru stayed right in step with her. “Did he sniff your panties, do you think?”

“Ew.” She pulled a face at him so he could see how disgusting she thought he was. “He’s not you. Why are you even awake?”

“I’m watching the woods.”

“Watching them for what?”

“For Gunner. Can’t you feel him coming?”

She’d been reaching for the handle of the door to 1010, but she froze, chills rippling up her arms. “No. I don’t feel him at all.”

“Curious.” Kru shrugged and backed up a couple steps. “Maybe I’m just messing with you.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Are you?”
