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Her eyes narrowed at him with hatred as she pulled the trigger.

Lucas gasped and startled awake.

He was drenched in sweat and tangled in Jenna’s sheets.

“Fuck,” he gritted out as he struggled free. It was just a dream. It was just a horrible dream. His shoulder blades hit the cold plane of the wall. Panicked, he slid down the wall toward the door for the chance at some fresh air. He couldn’t breathe!

The vision of Jenna’s terrified eyes drove a dagger straight through his soul. He winced at the pain of it. Her tears…

The animal inside of him was riled up, and his skin was tingling with the urge to Change.

“What’s wrong?” Jenna asked as she sat up in bed.

“Nothing!” He held his hand out. “Please stay there.”

Her hair was mussed from sleep, and her eyes swirled with confusion. She crawled up onto her knees, and he could see it again. He could see her in the cage on her knees.

Lucas hit the side of his head to make the roaring stop. “I have to go.”


“I just need air!” he said, but he could hear the animal in his voice. He was going to Change, and then what? Go for the nest? He had to stop this.

“Please stay here,” he whispered desperately. He didn’t want her to see him like this.

He left her there in bed, her worried questions following him down the hall.

What did it mean? What did any of this mean? He never dreamed.

The cool air hit his cheeks and he shook his head, trying to steady the animal in his head. He picked up the pace and jogged toward his truck.

“I don’t understand!” Jenna called from the open doorway of her trailer. “What did I do wrong?”

“You did nothing wrong,” he assured her as he opened the door to his truck. Thank God he’d left the keys in here last night. “I’ll be back in a little bit. Just need a few minutes.” Even he could hear the lie in his voice.

He checked his rearview mirror as he pulled away, and it was another vision of her that would stick with him. She wasn’t on her knees crying, but the look on her face would haunt him. Later, when he was in control, he would need to explain that she truly hadn’t done anything wrong. He was wrong. He was messed up. He was a motherfucking monster. It was his problem, his issues.

Jenna was an angel who had opened herself up to the darkness in him. She’d given him the gift of her vulnerability and what was his animal doing? Planning her pain?

“What is it?” he growled to himself as he ripped his gaze away from her in the mirror and focused on the gravel road leading down the mountain. “Huh? You’ll destroy anything I have with a woman? You want to be alone forever? Is that it? Fight everything until you die?”

The animal was quiet, just sitting inside of him feeling bigger than the truck, scratching at his skin.

Fuck him.

Lucas would keep him tucked away until he was far away from Jenna’s nest.

The least he could do was protect her from himself.

Chapter Fifteen

Confusion had been her constant companion today.

Jenna shook her head for the twentieth time today and tried to focus on the invoice in front of her. She just kept staring out her office window, and that wasn’t solving anything. She needed to focus on work. She could do her falling apart gig when she got home, when she was by herself.

Kong walked past the door to her office and glanced quickly inside. He’d been hanging in the office all day, and he never did that.

“I’m fine,” she called. “You don’t have to keep checking up on me.”
