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I hoisted the last of the coolers into the trunk, my muscles straining against the weight. The Memorial Day weekend camping trip was supposed to be a chance for Hailey, Molly, and I to get some time away from the chaos of everyday life. Just us and the great outdoors. Simple.

"Ready, pumpkin?" I called over my shoulder, securing the hatch with a satisfying thud.

"Ready!" Hailey's voice chimed from the porch as she bounded down the steps. The camping spots we typically picked were close to the lake, but accessing them involved a hike. My dad had always taken me and Amy here. I had taken Hailey a few times, but for some reason, the last few years we hadn’t gone. I was glad to be getting back to activities that I enjoyed.

Molly took control of the radio the moment we hit the road. Classic rock played softly in the background, the occasional twang of an electric guitar or the rumble of a bass breaking through the static.

Hailey and Molly chatted away, in between Molly belting out various songs and dancing despite the limitations of her seat belted position. I couldn’t help but smile at their easy banter, a sense of contentment washing over me.

After a couple hours, the car bounced and bumped along the rutted dirt road leading to the trailhead. The trees swayed in the breeze, casting shadows across the pavement. I parked the car and opened the door, inhaling the fresh mountain air, the scent of pine and damp earth filling my lungs.

"I can't wait to get out and stretch my legs!" Hailey exclaimed as she flung her door open.

"Me too," Molly chimed in. "I think the hike out to the site will be nice after that drive."

I walked around to the trunk and unloaded our gear as a candy red Jeep pulled in and my heart stopped. It couldn't be. She wouldn't...


I shook my head, my mind struggling to process what was happening. Hailey stood beside me, a worried look on her face.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." But I wasn’t.

Just as I was about to unload the gear, Natasha stepped out of the jeep and sauntered toward us, a smug grin on her face. She was wearing an outfit that was more suited for a fashion shoot than a camping trip.

"What are you doing here, Natasha?"

"Well, when Hailey mentioned camping, I thought it would be a fun family activity."

"Family?" I sputtered, incredulous.

She nodded. "Yeah, we are a family, aren't we?

"No. No, we're not. We were a family. Past tense. Now, I'm her father and you're..." My words trailed off, the bitter taste of resentment burning my tongue.

"And I'm what, Jake? What am I?"

I stared at her; my jaw clenched.

In my head I screamed that she was nothing to her, letting my anger bubbling over. But I didn't. I couldn't do that to Hailey. Molly flashed me a comforting smile and took a step towards Natasha.

"Join us," Molly said, her voice overly friendly. "We have plenty of space, right Jake? It is the great outdoors after all."

Natasha smirked, her eyes scanning over Molly, her brow furrowing as if she was confused.

I gave her a tight smile, trying to mask the anger and frustration building inside me. "Right."

Hailey was looking between us, her expression uncertain. I hated that Natasha had made her feel like she was caught in the middle of a battle.

"Great. I'm starved," Natasha announced, clapping her hands together. I ignored her, as Molly and I unloaded our gear and made the hike up to the campsite, the mood tense and awkward.

"Isn't this fun!" Natasha exclaimed with a flourish that felt rehearsed, her eyes scanning the trail like this had been her idea.

"Fun's not the word I'd use," I shot back, unable to mask the annoyance lacing my tone.

She flashed a dazzling smile, the kind that once upon a time melted my heart but now it only embittered it. "Oh, come on, Jake. Don’t be like that. We're all adults here, and we're going to have a great time, aren't we, Hailey?"
