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But I didn’t say that. Instead, I asked, “Is that a problem?”

“Follow me.”




That was the word that kept running through my mind as I led the beautiful brunette toward the back of the garden. It was an area nobody but me traveled to right now since it was my job to prepare the land for tent camping.

But the brunette in the ruffly pink gown wasn’t jailbait. She was a grown woman. A woman who still lived under the control of her parents, maybe, but a woman, nonetheless. She had to be at least twenty-two or twenty-three, and that wasn’t jailbait. It was just weird because I’d never dated a woman who was more than a few years younger than me.

But no thirty-five-year-old man I knew would turn down an opportunity with a hot-as-hell twenty-something woman.

“What is all this?” the woman asked as she followed me through the trellis.

It was a big empty plot of land, that’s what it was. It overlooked a manmade pond that would someday have a fountain in the middle of it.

“The future site of Rosewood Ridge campground,” I said. “Tent camping only. We may build some cabins eventually.”

I felt her watching me. We both stood side by side, looking out over the beautiful view.

“You work here?” she asked.

I nodded. “The guys who built this place are finishing things up. I’ve been hired to manage future projects. I’m a contractor, not a full-time employee, although I’m working more than full-time right now.”

Why I was giving her all these details, I wasn’t sure. A simple yes would have worked. Talking would only slow down what I really wanted to do to her, which was rip off that dress and kiss every inch of her body.

I gestured and started walking again. “Over here.”

Normally, I was a ladies-first kind of guy, but I knew my way around and there was only one place on this part of the property suitable for outdoor sex.

“That’s kind of steep,” she said as we approached the hill leading down to the water.

“I’ll carry you,” I said.

I didn’t even give her a chance to respond. I walked up the hill to where she stood, scooped her up in my arms, and carried her the few yards down to the grassy area on the bank. Here, we were shaded by a giant tree. I set her down on the ground and stepped back, hands on hips, looking out over the water.

“How’s this?” I asked.

She didn’t speak for a moment. I had to turn and make sure she was okay. Her eyes were wide, and she was staring at me like I’d just grown two heads. Something had been growing since I first saw her at that wedding, but she couldn’t see that something right now.

“You just lifted me and carried me here like it’s nothing,” she said. “Like you do this every day.”

I shook my head. “Nope. Never done anything like this.”

And that was the truth. I kept my head down, worked my ass off, and tried not to think about getting laid. I’d had girlfriends over the years, but I’d never once in my life spotted a woman from across the way, decided I needed to have her, and carried her to a good make-out spot.

But there was a first time for everything. And this was the first time for this.

“You were staring at me,” she said. “When I was standing up front during the wedding, I looked over and saw you. Did I imagine that?”

I shook my head. “Nope. You were just about the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.”

Her eyebrows arched, and I could tell she wasn’t used to being told that, which was a crime. This woman should be told she was beautiful every single second of every single day of her life.

“Past tense?” she asked.
