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I pull up to the diner in my Dodge Challenger Demon. She’s a pearlescent snowstorm-white with blue and purple chameleon undertones. She came stock with over 800 horsepower and a 6.2 liter V8; she is my ‘bikkja'– My Bitch.

The diner is unique, to say the least. With retro black and white checkered flooring, neon lights on every orifice, and fire engine red booths, it gives serious Elvis vibes. Finding the man I was summoned by, I stroll over, spinning my keys on my index finger.

"Sit down. And don't always look so cocky. One of these days, you're gonna get your ass beat for that shit."

"Nah, I don't usually lose in fights. I mostly come out the winner, which gives me the right to be a cocky asshole," I say while glancing at The Boss.

"Hmph, whatever. We need to talk about the problem. I didn't drag you down here for nothin'."

"Yes, sir. I know she's there. What about it?"

"She's been fucked up from day one. I know you haven't officially seen her, but you know some of what I'm talking about.”

"Yeah, yeah. It’s personally anticlimactic to me, but hey, to each their own." I grimace as The Boss rams his boot into my shin under the table. I immediately become defensive.

“What? I just don’t see why she would be so scared of Ødger. What kind of weak-ass person is she? I mean, he didn’t do that bad of shit to her, right? Plus, it was only six months.”

"Don't talk shit about things you don’t know nothin’ about. I only keep you around because you're good at what you do. Do not forget– if you aren’t important to us, you will be ostracized." He stirs some creamer into his coffee.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you," I tell him in a sarcastic way. Boss doesn't seem to notice and dismisses my words with his free hand.

“It wasn’t Ødger that fucked her up. It was Tyr.” The Boss looks forlorn as he drops his spoon onto his napkin and takes a long sip, avoiding my stare. He glances briefly to his right as he sets his mug down and licks his lips. He looks me up and down before continuing. "The three of them are taken care of, but not her. I just need you to do your job and collect info."

The man passes me a file and upon opening the folder, a photo that’s paperclipped crookedly to the top page draws my attention. It’s a polaroid of a beautiful young woman with a name written underneath.


"What do I do once I get the information? Do I need to return her to you, or dispose of her? And how did Tyr fuck her up?" I ask.

"Absolutely not. Just text me weekly updates. I want to know what she's doing, who she hangs out with, and if she’s with anyone. And to answer your question…you don’t need to know. Just watch her, Loki. Do what you do best. Afterwards, you may even be rewarded."

"Yes, sir." I slide out of the booth and head to my car. Nova is a pretty little thing, and I will have fun with my new toy. Even if she is fucked up.

News Reports

I’m still not sure how to process what I experienced a couple of days prior, and I need a distraction. Things have been relatively normal since then; we just cohabitate in the house, and Tyr goes to work. I’ve considered also getting a job or going to school, but he’s told me there’s no rush. We both just need to heal. So, I message Aimee for a distraction.

Nova: Hey, wanna grab dinner? I don't wanna cook, and I need to get out.

Aims: Sure! I'll meet you at your new house at 6!

Six o'clock comes around at supersonic speed. I’ve managed to change out of the sweats I’ve been wearing for the past couple of days and into my nicest leggings and a sweater. I’ve exchanged my slippers for real shoes, my hair is brushed smooth, and I’ve actually put some makeup on. It isn’t the nicest outfit, but it will suffice. I’ve looked better, but I’ve also definitely looked worse.

I’m not trying to impress anyone. I just want to feel good in my own skin. Now that I’m getting the nourishment and supplements I need, I’m trying to gain self-confidence in any way possible.

"Hey, bitch!" Aimee greets me while she slides into the passenger seat of my car. She took a cab to my house, and I’m going to drive us to the restaurant.

"Hey, Aims."

"Come on, let’s go! It’s pizza night!"

"Pizza sounds fucking delicious. Let's do it," I reply.

"Sweet tits."

I shake my head and smile but don’t say anything. Fuckin’ Aimee.

As we pull up to the restaurant, I realize that the drive there seems shorter and more fun than it has ever been before. The beige building has several men in uniforms in front of it. They all seem to be waiting impatiently for us. I pull up in front of them, shut the vehicle off, and pull the key out of the ignition. I’ve barely touched my foot to the ground when one of the men grabs the keys from my hand.
