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“Anyway, the Blót is stunning, the women are stunning, the whole thing is just stunning. Regardless, I don’t want to talk about the ritual. I want to talk about my current job.”

“Oh, you mean Nova ?” Marcus asks.

My brows furrow, my eyes widen, and my mouth opens slightly. “How in the hell do you know what my job entails?” I blink at him, shocked.

“You aren’t the only one The Boss puts on jobs, dumbass. What kind of stupid question is that?” Marcus lets out a deep laugh.

“Well… I’m fucking waiting. What is this so-called job?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest and blatantly glaring at him. I can’t imagine that The Boss would give my subordinate a job allowing him to be privy to my mission.

“I’m supposed to help you with the tech aspect of things. This is how I will ‘level up’ in status. Basically, I'm supposed to watch who they’re with, where they’re at, and what comes outta their filthy mouths. Apparently, Ødger wasn't supposed to let them fuck, and did anyway, and that’s why the other two were used for the Yule ritual, not this one. Now she is ‘unclean’. I still can’t figure out why The Boss wants us to keep an eye on her, though,” he says. Marcus is once again tilting his chair back with his feet propped up against the desk. I’m going to laugh so hard when he falls over.

I don’t know how to reply to him. He obviously knows much more than I do. I need to pay more attention to my surroundings and what people are conversing about. My thoughts carry me away from tech talk and back to her.

I don't have another reason to see Nova this week. Therefore, I’ll have to make up some crappy excuse to catch another glimpse of her magnificence. I just need to touch her, to feel her, lick her.

Feed her.

Girl Talk

As I walk up to the front of Aimee’s place, I she her look out her living room window to wave at me.

I know the door is already unlocked as I enter her home. She doesn’t even let me take off my shoes before she tries milking me for information.

“Ok, what’s up? Why on earth would you wake me at whatever god-awful time in the morning just to talk? Did something happen?” She gasps dramatically. “Oh my god, are you pregnant?!”

“NO! What? Jeez, whore. I know what your first thoughts of the day are. Just gimme a second.” I walk over to her kitchen and pull a drink out of the fridge. “I had a dream.”

“Seriously? A dream? You got me all hyped up for a dream?” She throws up her hands in exasperation and makes her way to the couch. “Ok. Tell me about the dream.” Her eyes widen, and her lips turn up at the corners as she says the last two words. I plop down next to her and set my drink on the coffee table.

“So you remember that guy who fender-bendered us?” She nods, and I smile.

“Yeah, I do! I also remember he was gorgeous! Ugh, and his hands were so large and manly. And the tattoos! Can you just take a second to let your imagination run dirty and wild and imagine what those fucking hands could do to you? Ugh!” Aimee fakes a moan rather badly before she looks dreamily up at the ceiling.

“Ok, anyway, I’ve sort of… been seeing him.” Aimee’s head snaps back to face me as her jaw drops. “Not in a romantic way, strictly platonic, but still. And I haven’t told Tyr about him. Every time he catches me daydreaming or shit like that, I always say I’m thinking about you. I don’t know why I’m lying because it’s not like we’re really doing anything wrong. But it just feels like he would get pissed and attack me again. And I really don’t want that.”

“Wait, pause. He attacked you? When? And how?” She touches her hand to my knee folded on the couch between us in sincere concern.

“Oh, shit, yeah. He did. I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you.” I look down, embarrassed. “It was that night he went to a job interview. He got home super late and was in a mood, and I just made it worse by nagging and annoying him.” I pause to play with the hem of my pants.

“Ok… Go on.” She’s all ears.

“Well, he was in the bathroom with the door closed, so I was yelling at him. Partly because there was a door in the way, but also because I was getting pissed that he was being an ass. But I made a snarky comment, and he just exploded. He came running out and grabbed me by the throat again, just like in the tub. But this time, he looked straight at me, more angry than I’d ever seen him. He almost made me pass out. But then he realized what he was doing, and he’s been so apologetic and sweet since then. I know he didn’t mean to do– it just happened, but I still get freaked out thinking about it.”

I can feel her staring at me. I glance up at her briefly to try and make sense of her reaction before looking away to the side. Her mouth is turned down, her brow is furrowed in concern, and her eyes look devastated.

“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry that happened to you. But you can’t let him get away with that shit. It’s not okay. He could kill you, Nova. Just be careful, please.” She embraces me so lovingly I didn't even realize that's exactly what I needed. We sit there for almost a minute before pulling away from each other, with tears in our eyes. As we wipe them away, she asks a couple more questions before asking if my life is getting back to normal.

“I’m fine, and nothing like that has happened again since. We even had amazing sex last night in the shower, so I know things are getting back to the way they used to be. Kinda.” I chuckle at Aimee’s facial expression.

“So what do the crash guy and the dream have to do with anything? What’s the guy's name?” She asks, curious.

“Aleksandr,” I reply, using a slight posh accent. She laughs at that.

“Ooh, fitting. A sexy name for a sexy person.”

“I love you so much!” We both giggle at our silliness.

“So. Dream. Go.” She puts me back on track.
