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I cry harder, the feeling almost like sandpaper against my sensitive skin. I yelp as he begins to thrust into me fast and hard. The searing pain makes everything turn white, and nausea threatens to spill over. Wrapping his hand around the belt that’s still against my throat, he tugs backward towards him, effectively cutting off my oxygen supply. I squirm and fight, but all I manage to do is make his dick slide farther into me.

“Yes, Nova. That’s it. That’s a good girl,” he growls into my ear. “Cry, scream, fight. No one's gonna hear you.”

I’m losing oxygen fast. I’m going to pass out while he rapes me. I use one arm to prop myself up and the other to claw at the strap that’s strangling me. Instead of letting go, he uses his free hand to hit me in the side of the head and face a multitude of times.

Over and over again, he strikes me. There’s no pattern, no discerning which hand he’s using. I’m fading fast. I can’t tell if it’s from the lack of oxygen or the hits, but everything goes dark.

Sometimes life throws you a curveball, and sometimes you might be able to catch it. Other times… It will hit you in the face and knock you out.

And Abused

Upon opening my eyes, I realize multiple things.

First off, my entire body is in pain. Moving even an inch makes every muscle and joint ache. I have an intense headache, and my throat is beyond sore.

Second, there’s something sticky between my legs, making it obvious to me that he came inside me.

Third and last, the quiet snoring I hear is not my own.

I sneak out of the bed as silently as I can. Every step I take makes my body quiver in pain, and my hips hurt immensely. Each stride away from him makes my heart thump harder against my ribcage. Waking him up is a terrifying thought. I can’t trust Tyr anymore– I know that. That’s the only thing I do know. I don’t know where to go or who to call. I don’t want to call Aimee– she will attempt to murder him. I can’t call my parents, as that will just be embarrassing.

When I finally shut the bathroom door behind me, I feel like I can breathe. I take a few more quiet steps until I’m at the center of the mirrored wall. A silent sob falls over me, my ribs screaming in protest as I hold in the noise. Seeing myself in the mirror triggers something inside me. The bruises would be beautiful together if they weren't painted directly on my face.

I look for anything else marring my body and realize that there’s dried blood that streaks down my neck and shoulders. I notice a mark that’s red and swollen where the belt buckle cut into my skin. There’s a thinner, redder line in the middle of the belt bruise. It takes me a second to realize it’s from the chain of the necklace he gave me. That was back when he was loving and sweet. My ankles and wrists are also raw and bruised. Maybe he tied me up?

Is this what my relationship and my life have come to? Aimee tried to warn me. I am constantly being raped and abused by different men. What does that make me? Insane? The definition of insanity… No. I can’t complete the thought. That would make it true, and it isn’t my fault. Right?

Escape Plan

Tyr is downward spiraling into a pit of his own making. I have to get away from him. I don’t know how to accomplish what I need, but I know I have to face my problems before they swallow me whole. And Tyr is becoming a problem.

Staring into the mirror at my pitiful reflection reminds me of staring into the glass at the aquarium. It suddenly dawns on me that I have Alek’s number. He told me to call him anytime I needed to, but I can’t make that call in front of Tyr. I can, however, wait until he goes to work or wherever he goes all day.

As I try to figure out how to get a hold of Alek without making things worse, the bathroom door flings open and slams against the wall. Tyr stomps towards me as I look at myself in the mirror.

“What do you think you’re doing?” He grabs my wrist tightly between us, holding me captive. “I didn’t know where you were! You think you can just leave me like that? You think I wouldn’t find you? I can smell a slut like you from a mile away!”

“I’m sorry. I had to… pee,” I croak out.

“Well, next time, tell me where you’re going. I’d worry about you, but I don’t care enough. I just don’t want you going and fucking someone else. It’s what you’re good at anyway. Did you know that you fucked up when you let me see you for the first time? I fell in love with you at first sight. I wish I would've known that you just sleep with anything that walks. Maybe you should hide yourself. I’d say you should kill yourself, but then I wouldn’t have my favorite toy. I want to keep you on my shelf in this fucked up house. If that’s what you would call it. Pfft, more like a shack. Now, get out of the bathroom. I need to piss and get ready for work.”

He brings his other hand up as I flinch and close my eyes, waiting for another hit. It never comes. As I slowly open my eyes to see what’s happening, he lowers his hand, curling all his fingers except the pointer in a fist. Pointing at me, inches away from my flinching eyes, he makes yet another threat.

“That was a warning,” he growls in a baritone voice that terrifies me to my soul. “You don’t wanna find out what I will do to you if I think you need another lesson.” He releases my wrist, and I walk out of the bathroom, heading for the bed to wait for him to leave. My breathing becomes erratic, and my chest feels like someone’s pressing on it with their entire body weight. I chew on my bottom lip, pinching the flaking skin firmly between my teeth until I taste blood. I’m way more agitated than I have ever been in my life. Tyr is a viper, and I’m his prey.

Trying to remember how Alek walked me through those breathing exercises, I press my palm to my bare chest, taking a breath in through my nose and out through my mouth. Breathe in, hold, breathe out, hold. Okay. Again. Breathe in, hold, breathe out, hold.

I need him to get far away before I make the phone call to Alek. I don’t want those two reenacting my dream, even if the ending was perfect.

When Tyr finally drives out of the driveway to work, I grab my phone off my nightstand. I hurriedly unlock my phone and hit the contacts. Usually, I have to play ‘spin the wheel’ to find the correct contact, but Alek is right under Aimee, and those are my only two ‘A’ names. I love the simplicity of some things.

As I ready myself to call him, I realize something: I can’t talk to him. I could barely talk as it is, let alone to someone I’m just beginning to trust. The belt that had strangled my throat didn’t just cut off my ability to breathe, but my ability to speak with ease.

I begin fiddling with my key pendant nervously. I can’t allow him to hear me like this. So I do the next best thing.

Nova: Hey. You said if I needed anything to call or text. Can we meet somewhere private? I need you right now. Please?

Paper Cranes
