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I pull a half-used cigarette from my pack and light up. I ash on his back as I make my way around his body to the soles of his feet. I pull up a rolling stool and sit down, facing them. When I decide I’m finished with the smoke, I snuff it out between his big and second toes on his right foot. I laugh at his grunts, not caring about the smell that wafts around us.

I continue to do this, but replace the tobacco stick with a metal rod. It’s been shoved into the oven next to us, burning bright and waiting to be used. I jam the hot metal into the flesh of his feet. Nova watches the entire thing, a smile leisurely appearing on her face each time I scorch him.

When I can no longer see pinkish-white flesh, I stop, throwing the metal rod onto the concrete floor of the room.

“Now it's time for the final act.” I can keep this torture slow, but Nova’s presence makes me want to hurry it up so I can finally claim her as my own.

I push the stool away as I stand, making it clatter against the back wall.

“Odin. Oh, Odin. Every day that Nova has been here has been hell for her. So in return, I am going to send you to the goddess Hel.”

I grab my knife again from the tray, my attention on his back. His shirt was removed before Mimir bound him to the table so I wouldn't have any obstacles. I plunge my knife into his skin at the base of his spine, languidly moving the tip of the blade up, slicing him open from stem to stern. Blood pours from the wound, rolling down his skin onto the floor. His grunts and groans of agony are extremely pleasurable to my ears.

Once I’m finished, I use my hands to pull his skin and muscles away from the spinal column. His ribs are on show for my eyes. He’s still conscious, and I’m thoroughly surprised. Most people would have passed out from the pain already.

“Alright, Odin. I am almost done. I hope you have enjoyed what has occurred here this evening.” I let out a throaty laugh. It’s almost as if I’m holding a ritual ceremony with the way I speak.

I set down the knife and pick up a hatchet. Slamming the sharp blade down onto his scapula bone, I severe it completely. Pulling it from his body quickly and doing the other side just as fast, I laugh slightly as I go. I wish I could go slower, but I know I have to move hastily so Odin doesn’t pass out on me. I reach into his body cavity with my hands, pull his lungs from the gaping hole, and throw them over his shoulders.

A partial Blood Eagle. Fitting for a high member of our society.

As I pull his lungs out of his body, I feel him take his last breath. The immense power it gives me– to have his life literally in the palm of my hand, is something that I can’t achieve by taking drugs or drinking. My stomach growls at the joy I feel. I need, no, want to feast on this man. I want to rip his heart out and eat it. Bloody or not, I crave the metallic tang that will soothe my tastebuds.

I look at Nova once again. Her grin will forever be etched into my memory, like a digital photograph that will never fade.

“Oh, Alek,” she breathes. “That was the perfect way to set me free. I don’t know what's wrong with me. Why did I enjoy that so much?”

I match her smile as I grab another smoke.

“If you liked that, then you will love what comes next, Min Stjärna.”

Bleeding Hearts

Alek walks over to me, holding something dripping with Odin's blood. I sit still as he pushes his way between my legs like he did before he started torturing the now dead man. I soon realize that what Alek is holding in his hand is Odin’s heart. The blood oozes from between his fingers, dripping onto my lap. It’s warm and smells like iron.

Using two fingers from his other hand, he dips them into some blood, pooled in a cavity left behind by the absence of an artery, and wipes it down my face. I feel the crimson wetness on my forehead, the bridge of my nose, and on my lips. Without thinking, I lick them.

It isn’t a bad taste. Coppery and metallic, just like sticking a penny in your mouth. The rush of euphoria that travels through my body makes my nipples harden beneath my shirt. My panties become wet with need.

“Alek. My subconscious is telling me this is wrong, but it just feels so good.”

Without saying a word, he takes a bite out of the inanimate heart. The blood drips from his chin, almost in tandem with the wetness that drips from my pussy.

My breath catches before I let out a small mewl.

I have to be hallucinating again or something. This can’t be happening. Hearts might be a delicacy in some parts of the world, but cannibalism is frowned upon almost everywhere.

I don’t think that I should be okay with this, let alone turned on. The way he looks at me periodically, almost like he’s seeking my approval, allows me to feel at peace. He’s asking for my permission; checking that I’m alright with everything that’s happening.

His little smiles and smirks aren’t needed, but I revel in them. He’s joining the darkness inside my heart instead of pushing it away, and I know at this moment– He is My Soul. My Life. My Love.

This is who I am.

This is who I want to become. I no longer want to pretend to be okay for everyone else. With Alek by my side, I can be myself. Be Nova.

Dark and deranged.

Sick and twisted.
