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With the utmost sympathy in his haunting blue eyes, he grabs me by each ankle and spreads my legs. I’ve never had someone, not even a doctor, look at my body this way. I instantly know this is going to be the most humiliating thing I’ve ever gone through. I try to pull my legs away and close them, but a quick shake of Tyr’s head has me stopping. I don’t know what it is about this man, but he can command me with one look. At least it’s him between my thighs and not the troglodyte.

Gently grabbing the razor, he dips it in the water and starts to shave my pubic hair. I make sure not to make any sudden movements so I don’t get cut. While using his right hand to shave, he places his left hand on my thigh. Tyr gingerly strokes his thumb back and forth, almost as if he’s trying to soothe me.

He never makes eye contact during the ordeal. After he makes sure I’m clean-shaven, he puts the razor in the bucket and stands up. I note to myself that he is as hard as a rock when he walks away. If I wasn’t embarrassed, I’m sure I’d be slightly wet just from having someone stare and touch my body like he did.

After Tyr leaves, Roger replaces him at the end of the bed. "Now, hold still and shut up. I have to check something."

I stare at him silently but nod my head just enough for him to see. I’m petrified, but I know that whatever he is about to do will be worse if I move.

Getting on his knees in between my legs, he traps my thighs on the outside of his. I can't move or get away even if I tried. Taking his index and middle fingers, he shoves them into me. No lube, no warning. I cry out from shock.

"I said to shut the fuck up. Do you not understand, you dumb whore?! Be quiet and let me figure out if you’re a virgin like I was told or if you are a dirty little slut like I hope you are." Forcibly putting his hand on my lower abdomen, he starts to move his stubby fingers around. Lost in thought, he pokes and prods until he finds his answer. Pulling his fingers out aggressively and scratching my insides with his grubby nails, he lets go of me and walks back towards the camera.

"Now that that’s done, stand up and face me. No talking. Just look into the lens and do as I say. Got it?" Roger asks as I sit there in stunned silence. Is this for his own use, or is this for someone else? My heart rate skyrockets, and I start to tremble. Sweat begins to drip down my forehead and off of my face, rolling down in between my breasts. I stand up and place my arms across my chest to cover my body.

"Put your hands down. There ain't no reason to be shy, sweetheart." Giving me a toothy grin, he moves behind the camera and presses the record button. Moving into position like he said results in a bigger smile from the man. "Turn to your left," he makes a twirling motion with his finger. "Now, turn to your right."

Turning in each direction, my tears flow down my face faster, mixing with my sweat. They pour over my chest and down my body. With my pubic hair removed, I feel more exposed than when I first came into this room.

I stand there for what feels like eons, waiting for more direction, waiting for whatever comes next. Just standing, feeling used and dirty. Eventually, Roger ends the video and demands that I leave the room. Upon leaving the room, feeling degraded and torn apart, I run right into Tyr.

"Um, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were standing here." I whisper, keeping my head down with my tears silently spilling.

"It's okay, love. Follow me. We are going to get you a robe and then meet the others."

“Others? There are more people here?” I ask him. All he does is nod and motions for me to follow.

We walk down several corridors until he finds the door he’s looking for. Opening it, we step inside. The room is stocked full of dark gray robes, not unlike the ones that a monk would wear.

Walking toward a clothes rack, I grab a robe that looks newish and that I think will fit. Taking it off the hanger, I try to put it over my head.

"Here, allow me." Tyr grabs the robe from my hands and ushers me to lift my arms. Still sore, I reach up as high as I can get them and await his provided assistance. Putting my arms in first, then shrugging the hole over my head, I feel like a child getting ready for their first day of school.

As he pulls the robe down my body, the backs of his fingers graze my nipples, making my stomach flutter in response. I inadvertently let out a small whimper. His touch is different from Roger's in every way. He isn't trying to hurt me; he is simply touching. It feels almost comforting after what just happened.

Tyr doesn't say anything, but he does meet my eyes for a brief moment. A slight smile slowly creeps up one side of his mouth before the look disappears altogether.

Grabbing my hand when he is done, we walk out of the room and head towards our next destination.

We enter a dining hall, with a long table stretched across the room with a few chairs.

"This must be the new chick," a girl says. She looks frail, even though she has a robe like mine covering her body. She has light caramel-colored skin and coarse shoulder-length hair with tight spiral curls. Her eyes, the same hazel color as Aimee's, look haunted. So much so that I have to turn away from her and tuck my chin to my chest. "Hi," she says in a lower tone. "I'm Kiyanna. I'd say it's nice to meet you, but under these circumstances…" she trails off, looking away.

"This is…" Tyr pauses. He doesn't know my name yet because I've been mostly quiet until now. Looking down at me, he suggests with his eyebrows that I tell the others. I return the look with questioning eyes.

"Um, my name is," I start to say but stop to clear my throat. "My name is Nova," I speak only to Tyr. I’m still holding his hand, with tears in my eyes. They refuse to fall anymore, so I attempt to square my shoulders while I stand awkwardly at the head of the table.

"Nice to meet you, Nova. I'm Caleb." The other boy has darker skin than Kiyanna, mocha brown. His hair is shaved off haphazardly, and his eyes are a deep chocolate with a lighter ring around the irises. They both have bruises, ranging in color and size, marking their bodies in the parts that their robes don't hide.

I wave to them both with uncertainty. Tyr still grips my hand lightly, tugs me along, and finds two seats for us. I’m not normally shy, but after what just happened, I can't look anyone in the eyes or make conversation easily.

I let the others converse amongst themselves while I quietly sit next to Tyr. The entire time we sit there, he keeps his hand on my thigh, lightly stroking, like he did in the video room.

We sit in the dining room for a few hours. I find out a lot of information about where I am, who I’m with, and the inner workings of this place.

This is the only building on the grounds on a well-kept-up island off the coast of what we assume is Florida. I had been in the bunker room for approximately two days before I was able to come into the house. This transition is called 'Mansion Morning'. I learn that Roger always kidnaps two black young adults, one male, one female, and two white adults also of the same gender combo, all around the same age. Tyr has been here the longest, making him the main 'worker'. We are each given jobs around the mansion. Tyr is to keep the rest of us fed, clothed, and mentally stable in the eyes of our captor. Caleb does any maintenance that’s needed and any heavy lifting.

Kiyanna mentions that the females are to keep everything around the house clean and tidy. We are the maids. What a fitting job for a female. Not.
