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Everything is very unconventional, and I have no idea why we were kidnapped, but here we are.

We discuss our ages, with Tyr being the oldest at almost 24. Kiyanna and I are 22, while Caleb is 23. We were all kidnapped in the middle of the afternoon. Both of us females are still virgins, and both males have only had a few sexual encounters.

Apparently, Roger wants to keep us pure and make sure we remain virgins for whatever sick plans he has.

Video time is simple yet degrading. You will always have to undress, lie down on the mattress in the room, and take the “punishment” when Roger says to. Punishments consist of heavy spanking, choking, and so much more. He will also use our bodies for the enjoyment of whoever the videos are for, and thankfully he’s never used his own dick to penetrate anything but our mouths.

This place is broken, and we are all just recycled toys.


Shaving the woman's pussy was the hardest moment of my life. Literally. I know that I shouldn't have gotten as hard as I did, yet it felt so good. Grabbing her ankles and forcing her to open her legs so I could get in between them was blissful, but getting lower and actually touching her? Priceless.

Using the razor as gently as I could, I groomed her as best as possible. The entire time I used my hand to stroke her thigh, yet I couldn’t look into her eyes, worried I might see her hatred reflecting in mine. Once done, I handed Roger his key back and walked outside the room.

I continued to have these vulgar thoughts outside the door while I waited for her. The room is mostly soundproof, but I could still hear how Roger screamed obscenities at her. I didn't know what was going on in there, but I knew it wasn't pleasant.

When she came out half-running, I purposely put myself in the way so she would crash into me. Now, I crave the way her body feels against mine. I will make sure, as many times as possible, that her body is pressed up against mine, her skin touching mine.

I grabbed her hand and walked her to the robe closet to find something to wear. Having her naked was just too tempting. It also happened to be Roger's rule to wear clothing when we weren't with him.

I noticed she couldn't lift her arms very much to put the robe on. This was the perfect opportunity.

Taking the robe from her, I offered to dress her. Helping her get her arms and head in, I lowered the robe. Using the backside of my hands, I grazed them against her nipples. I couldn't help but notice the way they got erect and how her beaten body reacted to my hands.

Kiyanna and Caleb are nice people. Although neither of them normally talk to me, we all go out of our way to comfort one another when the time comes.

The months we’ve spent together have been long and grueling. Weeks upon weeks of the same things. Kiyanna scrubs the floors and counters clean with a single sponge and some bleach. Caleb takes care of the two of us when Roger has an 'episode', which happens a lot.

Roger has seemed bored with the fact that there have only been three of us, so while the punishments haven't been absurd, they always take hours. Now that he's brought in a new one, we all hope things will change.

I go to introduce her but realize I still haven't gotten her name. I stare at her, waiting for a response to my unasked question.

"My name is Nova," she replies while looking directly at me.

Nova. Just like a supernova, the most beautiful occurrence in the galaxy. How perfect.

Meteors At Midnight

Tyr walks me back to my room after talking with the others. I’ve learned that on video days, after recording, we’re left alone until dark. Then we’re to go to our rooms and stay within the confines of those four walls until morning. If we leave our rooms and Roger finds out, we will be punished.

"I don't know why we were specifically taken, but I'm deeply sorry Nova. Just know we are all in this together, and I will make it my mission to be with you to the end."

When I look at Tyr, his eyes are the saddest ones I've ever seen. The darkness that’s taken root inside me starts to ebb away. Maybe, just maybe, Tyr will be the light that I need to survive this hell hole.

"Get some sleep if you can. It's been a rough few days. The days to come will get easier. I promise," he says softly. Grabbing a piece of my hair, he pulls it down and lets go, making the curl bounce just slightly. Giving me his signature smirk, he lets go of my hand and walks out of my room, closing the door quietly.

Why now, of all times, do I find a sweet man? Here of all places? I don't know anything about him, yet I want to meld my soul with his and fight for our lives to get out of here. He’s been so gentle with me since the dark room. He’s fed me, given me water, carried me with ease, and even shaved places that no one other than me should see. I feel like this is the worst possible place to have such feelings.

I lie in bed alone, with only my thoughts for company. I can't seem to fall asleep, so I toss and turn, listening to every small sound that catches my attention. After hours of lying in my new bed, I hear the floorboard creak down the hall. Sitting up straight, I focus on the door across the room, waiting to hear any noise.

The door opens slowly and in creeps Tyr. He puts his pointer finger up to his thinned lips as if to hush me. I nod, remembering that if he is caught in here, we would both be punished or even killed. Closing the door just as softly as it opens, he comes near.

Leaning in close, he whispers in my right ear. "I know we can get caught, and if we do, I will take all the blame…but there’s a meteor shower tonight, and I want to show you." Pulling back, he looks into my eyes, and I swear I see blue oceans washing upon his irises.

Sneaking around with this man is easy. We’re both adults, but he has probably done enough sneaking around in his teenage years. Next thing I know, we are going up a set of stairs that leads to a roof access door.

The moon shines on the deep blue waters below us, glistening just like the blue in Tyr’s eyes. The moonlight emits an illuminating glow that makes me shudder. There aren’t any chairs on the roof, so we sit down, facing each other.
