Page 31 of The Vampire's Mate

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“Your what?”

“Nothing,” I repeat, my voice weaker than before.

Dipping his head, he runs his nose over my collarbone and up the column of my throat while inhaling audibly. A growl vibrates in his chest, and my core clenches as pleasurable shivers run down my spine.

“Tell me what I am to you, Eden,” he says, his tone as commanding as it is soft.

My core throbs again, filling with moisture as my heartrate accelerates. I arch my back and moan as his lips press feather-light kisses to the sensitive spot beneath my ear. My legs start to tingle as heat unfurls inside me.

“Are you doing that thing with your mind?” I ask between panting breaths.

“Do you want to come, Eden?” he counters.

His lips brush against my throat as he speaks the words, the only part of his body actually touching me. I’m practically writhing with need, and the only thing I can do is nod in answer to his question.

“Tell me, Eden. Tell me what I am to you.”

My body reacts to those words in that demanding tone, and I teeter on the edge of ecstasy. My hips buck in response, but it’s no use. Jesse is holding me on the precipice, and he won’t let me fall until I tell him what he wants to know.

Sucking in a deep breath, I whisper, “Boyfriend.”

As soon as the word passes my lips, the world explodes. Jesse’s body moves in, pinning me against the wall as his mouth seals against mine. I groan and tremble through the orgasm, my tongue tangling with his until the aftershocks slowly fade. The kiss ends, and his gritty hum of satisfaction fills the air around us.

The elevator starts moving, and I open my eyes to see his fingers pulling away from the emergency stop button. I lift my gaze to meet his, and his dark eyes burn with passion and something else. Something that looks a lot like victory.

“Boyfriend,” he says quietly, then nods. “I like that.”

“You do?” I breathe, my chest still heaving from my release.

“I do,” he says. “I’m yours, Eden Walsh. For as long as you’ll have me.”

My heart beats a staccato rhythm as the words sink in. I wasn’t sure, until this moment, what I expected, or even wanted from this thing with Jesse. It was safer just to assume it’s been nothing but casual sex. Apparently, I’ve been lying to myself, since the word “boyfriend” slipped out so easily and when I least expected it.

I inhale sharply as the truth hits me like a bag of bricks––I want more with him. I want everything.

And just before the doors slide open on our floor, I stare into his eyes and tell him.

“And I’m yours for as long as you’ll have me.”



I close my laptop with a contented sigh. I managed to write more words than I’d expected to today, and I’m pretty sure I know why. My lips curl up into a secret grin. I’ve got a new muse, and he’s been working overtime to make sure I have plenty of inspiration for my latest vampire romance. My hero Sebastian Drake is hotter than ever, thanks to Jesse.

Setting the computer aside, I grab the remote and click on the television. I head to the kitchen to grab a snack as the news anchor’s voice fills my apartment.

“Civil unrest is at an all-time high as citizens protest in front of every state capitol in the nation. As you can see, protestors are carrying signs and calling on the government to enforce restrictions on all vampires. The people want all vampires to be tracked and monitored at the very least, and some more radical groups are calling for complete elimination…”

My eyes widen as I head back to the couch with a bag of potato chips and a bottle of lemonade. Plopping down, I watch the screen with a sense of dread welling up inside me.

People are scared, and scared people can be reckless and violent. The whole country––hell, the whole world––could devolve into chaos if fearmongering like this continues to escalate.

The scene changes, showing the capitol building in Atlanta. A large group of people in suits and Sunday dresses are gathered on the lawn, shouting in unison as they shake large signs in the air. The sound is muted so the news anchor can speak, but the camera focuses on some of the signs.

Vampires are demons. Send them back to hell.

Evil must be eliminated.
