Page 40 of The Vampire's Mate

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“What are you doing here?”

Jesse’s eyes widen, then narrow at my question, and I shrink back into the leather seat without taking my gaze from his face. He stares at me, unblinking as our driver pulls the sleek car away from the curb and into the heavy airport traffic.

“I think you should answer that question, first,” he says, his words slow and deliberate.

I hold eye contact for a moment, and I see his expression soften the tiniest bit. He may not have wanted me to come, but he’s happy to see me. Knowing that strengthens my resolve.

“I went with my gut and trusted you when we met, and I found out you’re a vampire,” I say slowly, but as I continue, my words quicken. “I had faith in my instincts, dropped my walls, and invited you inside. I don’t regret any of that. My gut was right. My instincts were spot-on. So, when I couldn’t shake the feeling that you need me here, I listened. I care too much about you to let you do this on your own.”

As the last word passes my lips, Jesse lunges. One hand tangles in my hair while the other circles my shoulders, and before I can take a startled breath, his mouth is on mine, his tongue plunging inside like he hasn’t eaten in a month and is dying for a taste.

But just as I relax and lean into the kiss, he jerks away, staring at me with wide eyes.

“What?” I ask, my heart pounding in my chest with need as his kiss lingers on my lips.

“Oh, God,” he breathes, then leans in and sniffs as I breathe heavily through my open mouth.

I turn my head away on reflex, but Jesse grips my chin and pulls it until I’m facing him once more. His tongue darts out and brushes over the seam of my now-closed lips. I jerk away, and he lets me go, dropping his hands to his lap as he stares at me helplessly.

“What are you doing?” I ask, my body starting to tremble at his weird behavior and worried expression.

Something is wrong here. Very, very wrong.

“Did anyone give you anything today? A special treat, a free sample, anything like that?” he asks, his gaze darting over my face like he’s not convinced I’m totally okay.

“What? No,” I say. “Why are you asking me that? What’s going on?”

“Think, Eden. Someone had to have given you something. Something you put in your mouth.”

“Jesse, there’s noth––“

“What? What is it?” he asks when my sentence cuts off abruptly and my eyes widen.

“Tea,” I breathe. “The old lady next to me on the plane gave me lavender tea to help with my nerves.”

“You drank it?” he asks, his usually pale skin turning an even starker shade of white.

“I did,” I say, feeling the panic rise within me. “I drank it all, and I…I fell asleep. I didn’t wake up until we landed here.”

“Okay,” he says quietly. “It’s fine. You’re going to be fine.”

There’s an edge to his voice I don’t like. He sounds like he’s trying to convince himself, not just me. Instead of letting my panic takeover, though, I take a deep breath and let it out slowly before speaking.

“What is happening?”

“Magic,” he says, so quietly I almost don’t hear it. “I could taste the residue of a spell when we kissed, but I can’t smell it on you like I normally would. That means whoever did this went to great lengths to hide what they’ve done. To cover up the spell so it’s undetectable. But she couldn’t cover up the taste of magic from the tea she gave you, which was probably meant to knock you out so she could weave the real spell while you slept.”

“Why would a witch want to cast a spell on me?” I ask, the words airy and filled with fear.

“Because of me,” he says, his eyes filled with self-hatred. “This woman––”

“Theodora,” I cut in, then squeeze my eyes closed.

Shit, even her name sounds witchy. How could I be so naïve as to take something from a stranger like that? I know the dangers. That a sweet, kind face can disguise a monster.

“Theodora,” he goes on, “probably wanted to put some kind of tracker spell on you. Something that would lead her to me, or to my father. It’s been confirmed, Eden. My father’s illness is being caused by a spell. Magic is killing him, which means there’s a witch, a coven, or maybe even several of each who are trying to take him out.”
