Page 33 of The Witch's Destiny

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“Aunt Bernie––”

“I told you,” Bernadette says, cutting her niece off. “I told you this was dangerous, and that Brimmwise wouldn’t be happy you’re there. They will try to hurt you. All of you.”

“Nothing or no one will touch her,” Erik growls, speaking for the first time.

“You can’t protect her if you’re dead,” Bernadette says. “They will take you out first, Viking.”

“No one is dying and no one is getting hurt,” I say firmly, finding the strength that deserted me after the vision. “We can protect each other.”

Bernadette stays silent for a long moment, then sighs. “Send me a picture of the pendant, and I’ll see what I can find out. In the meantime, I’ll keep working on these sigils.”

“Thank you,” I say.

“You can thank me by keeping my niece safe.”

There’s an audible click, and Steph’s phone screen goes dark. She pushes it into the back pocket of her jeans, then moves in, pulling me away from Jesse so she can hug me.

“We’ll get the answers we need,” she whispers, then pulls back to meet my eyes. “But until we do, you have to promise me something.”

“What?” I ask, tilting my head to study her.

“Promise me you won’t put that thing back on until we know it’s safe.”

My eyes flick to Jesse, and he’s staring at me with those bottomless dark eyes. I look over at the Vikings, and while Erik’s face is inscrutable, Leif looks just as worried as Jesse and Steph. My eyes move back to Erik, and I see a nerve twitch near his left eye.

“Okay,” I say, nodding. “I promise.”

I just hope it’s a promise I’ll be able to keep.



“We should go out. Have a little fun.”

Every eye in the room lands on Steph, who meets each of our gazes head-on with a furrowed brow.

“Why are you all looking at me like that?” When no one responds, she huffs a breath and rolls her eyes. “Don’t you think we deserve a break after all the drama and tension of the last few days? A chance to wind down and maybe even have a little fun? We’re in New Orleans, for Christ’s sake. Laissez les bontemps rouler. Let the good times roll, right? It’s practically law here.”

“It’s too dangerous,” Erik says before anyone else can respond.

Steph rolls her eyes again, this time even more dramatically than before. Then her expression turns coy. “Come on, Viking. Who better to protect me than a big, strong, gorgeous vampire like you?”

She reaches over and runs a palm over his bicep with the words, and I don’t miss the heat that flares in his eyes for a split-second before he regains control and shoots her a blank look. Steph huffs and barely resists rolling her eyes for a third time before turning a pleading look my way.

“Come on, Eden. You know you want to. Let’s go let loose and forget our troubles for just a little while. It would be a crime not to visit Bourbon Street after dark while we’re here.”

I shoot a glance at Jesse, and he lifts one shoulder in a half shrug. “You deserve a little fun after…everything.”

“Sire, I must object,” Erik says, but the words are nearly drowned out by Steph’s squeal of excitement. He turns to Leif, looking for some backup, but that one just shrugs. Erik shakes his head and murmurs, “Not you, too.”

“Don’t worry so much, big guy,” Steph says, bumping her hip against his. “Look at us. Two vamped-out Vikings, the vampire king, a badass witch…” She pauses to jab her thumb against her chest with that bit. “…and the best of both worlds.” She points at me. “My girl Eden scares the shit out of everyone, all by herself. Who would be stupid enough to come at us when we’re all together?”

Erik takes one last look at each of us, hoping that we’ll take his side and put the kibosh on this idea, once and for all. Seeing no help from any of us, he grits his teeth and pins Steph with a deadly glare.

“You will stay within my sight at all times. No––”

His words cut off when she squeals again and lunges toward him, pressing her lips to his cheek. Erik freezes, his eyes falling closed for a moment like he relishes the touch. That’s when I know for sure. For all his bustling grumpiness around her, he wants Steph.
