Page 11 of Tame Me

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He scoffs at me before shifting once again and speeding up even more. I’m getting scared he’s going to get in an accident as he blows through a stop sign when a car is coming at us. I won’t be riding home with him. I’ll either walk or call a cab to come get me.

Thankfully, we make it to the restaurant without incident. He gets out of the car and immediately starts walking to the place we’re having dinner. I take a minute to calm the anger I feel building up inside me and make my way inside. The hostess leads me to the table he’s sitting at.

“About time,” he says once she’s left us alone. “What’s your problem?”

“You didn’t slow down when I asked you to. You almost got into an accident by not stopping. And you’re being rude,” I tell him honestly, ready to head home and leave him here on his own.

“I’m being rude? How is that when I’m the one that at least dressed like I was going on a date with someone. You look like you belong in a gutter with the other riff-raff. Why did I think this was a good idea?” he says, insulting my family and me once again.

“This isn’t going to go how either one of us thought. I’ll save you the time now and leave. Have a good evening, Peter,” I say, standing up.

“You’ll sit back down right now. You’re not walking out on me. We’re gonna have dinner and then you’ll show me exactly what those bikers taught you about being a slut,” he growls, making sure no one sitting close to us can hear his vile words to me.

“You don’t own me. I will call in my brother if I have to. Don’t come near me, don’t call me, and if you see me around campus walk the other fucking way. My brother will be the first in a long line of men, real men not pussy bitches, to get their piece of you. Goodbye, Peter.”

Walking out of the restaurant, I call my dad. I’m not going to go into detail, I don’t want Peter dead. But, I need to hear his voice right now. Trax and Jameson are too close and they’ll be here to take care of the fucker if I call either one of them.

“What’s goin’ on, baby?” my dad Cage asks, answering on the first ring.

“Nothing. Walking home from a disaster of a date. One I shouldn’t have gone on and did anyway,” I answer, anger filling me at the thought of Peter.

“What happened? Do you need us there?” he asks, immediately alert.

“No. That’s why I didn’t call Trax or Jameson. You’re too far away. He’s not worth it, Dad.”

“Tell me what happened,” he growls out, his voice showing how angry he already is without knowing what even happened.

I recount the details to my dad. Even through the phone, I can feel the anger vibrating through him. It’s almost like I’m a little girl again and go to my dad right now. But, I don’t care. This was his idea and he needs to know that I’m more than likely not going on any more dates with anyone from school. At least not guys like Peter who think they’re better than everyone else and don’t give a fuck about those around them. Entitled little pricks who believe they’re God’s gift to women and that mommy and daddy will bail them out of any trouble they get in.

“This boy did what to you? I’m gonna beat the fucker’s ass,” he roars through the phone when I get done talking.

“That’s not what I want, Dad. I want you to know so you understand when I don’t go on any more dates. Trax and the men I grew up around are real men and know how to treat a person. The other guys just don’t. It’s all about the club for them. Dad, I can’t put myself through that,” I tell him, my eyes filling with tears as I think of the promise I made to my dads. It feels as if I’m breaking it now and that’s not my intention at all.

“I get it. I’m sorry I pushed you into holdin’ off on shit with Trax. You have our blessin’. And I’ll keep this shit to myself. You know if your uncles, brothers, and Joker find out, you ain’t stoppin’ every single one of us from showin’ up there,” he says on a sigh, anger still filling his voice.

“I know. Just like I know you’ll do as I ask and not make a scene. I’m trying here and I don’t want my dad to come to my rescue when I have a problem. Just needed to vent and an ear to listen.”

“I love you always,” he finally says. “Call your mom tomorrow.”

“I will. Love you always too,” I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

Just as I hang up the phone a car comes screeching out of nowhere and almost takes me out as I cross the road. Looking up, I see Peter parking his car in the middle of the road to block my path before he jumps out. I’m too stunned to do anything more than watch as he runs around the car at me and grabs onto my arm. He pulls me into the car and makes sure my door is slammed before racing around to his side.

The second he’s in the car, his hand flings out and smacks me across the side of my face. His face is red and his eyes are bulging out of his face. I’ve never seen anyone as mad as he is right now and that’s saying something considering I’m around alpha men that know what it means to protect their loved ones with everything they have in them.

“You dumb whore! Who the fuck do you think you are running out on me? No one walks out on me and doesn’t regret it,” he yells before speeding away from where we were sitting. “You’re going to fucking learn how to act when you’re with me. And you will be with me; you’re mine Reagan.”

I don’t say anything. There’s nothing I can say while I’m trapped in a car with him. Maybe I should have told my dad to come down; I just never expected Peter to be like this. As soon as we get back to the campus, I’ll get away from him. I’ll just have to be fast.

Once he pulls in, I unbuckle and jump out of the car. I run to the door as I fish my keys from my pocket. I’m not fast enough though. Peter catches up to me and yanks me back by the same arm. I have to hold in the scream from pain wanting to erupt as he leans in close.

“You’re gonna let me in and we’re gonna talk about this shit. And then I’m gonna take what I want. Do you understand me?” he questions, not giving a fuck that he’s hurting me and telling me that he’s going to rape me.

Nodding my head, I try to figure out how I’m going to get out of the mess I seem to find myself in. Peter watches me unlock the main door of the dorm before pushing me inside. He turns his attention to a few girls making their way toward the door and I use this as my chance to pull my phone out and place a call to Trax. I’ll keep it down so no one can see and try to use these girls as a distraction.

“Hey, Carrie, did you get the homework and notes done for Accounting?” I ask, stopping the girl in her tracks.

“Yeah. It took me forever, but I finally got it done. You?” she asks, looking at my face. “You okay? What happened to your face?”
