Page 27 of Tame Me

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“Fuckin’ awesome! I’m glad this shit ain’t hangin’ over his head any longer. Are you and Hawk ready to meet now?” I ask as Reagan gives me a kiss before making her way over to her brother.

She laughs and hugs him as he yells to the clubhouse that the skank is gone. He’s trying to put it to some kind of song, but I can’t remotely guess what song it is. Savage is so fucking drunk he’s slurring his words and the only reason he’s still on the stool at the bar is because Kidd is holding onto the back of his shirt and cut. Savage is gonna be feeling this shit tomorrow. I would be doing the same fucking thing as him after being lied to and manipulated by that dumb skank.

“Are we sure the skank made it out of town?” I ask Reaper as we leave the common room with Hawk stepping up behind us.

“Yeah. Eagle and Titan made sure she got on the bus and paid the driver to make sure they didn’t stop for any reason until they were hours from here. I know it doesn’t mean she’ll stay gone, but for now, she’s no longer in Clinton City and she’ll never step foot in this clubhouse again. I’m gonna have the Prospects close the gate after everyone gets here today and it will remain closed at all times. We’re gonna be spread real fuckin’ thin, but we’ll deal with it. Might have to put some of the members on gate duty until we can get the new Prospects fully vetted through Hawk to make sure they’re not gonna fuck up,” Reaper answers me as we enter his office and all take seats at his desk. “Hawk, what have you got for us?”

“Well, it seems Mommy and Daddy are fuckin’ lawyers. That’s why they’re rich. However, they’re not as good as they believe they are. They’ve been embezzlin’ from their company for almost four years now. Millions of fuckin’ dollars have gone missin’ and they’re settin’ one of the other partners up to take the fall. All because he has morals and has threatened to turn them in for the way they practice law. Neither one of them has won a case legally. They’ve paid off judges, bought cops to destroy evidence, and a ton of other shit. This guy was makin’ a case against them that was air tight and they would’ve been disbarred at the very least. More than likely, they’re both goin’ to prison for their crimes. Crimes I now have the evidence for because the guy is still collectin’ it.

“Peter can do no wrong in their eyes. They’ve paid the cops multiple times now to get charges against him dropped and make his case go away. This is the second college he’s been in. The first one he was expelled for stalkin’ and tryin’ to sexually assault a co-ed. Plus, he failed all of his classes. The first school refused to take the payout so he left and moved to Iron Head. He’s stupid as fuck and needs tutors in all of his classes. It’s not just because he’s not doin’ the work, though that plays a huge role in things, he should’ve gotten help for his learnin’ disabilities when he first started school and the parents refused to help him.

“There have been four girls who managed to get restrainin’ orders against Peter. He’s broken every single one of them and nothin’ ever happens to him. There’s a paper trail of the orders along with the calls reportin’ him for breakin’ them and the cops doin’ nothin’ about it. I’d say in total there’s about fifteen dirty cops helpin’ his family out and they all need to be shut the fuck down. There’s also a judge and a senator as well. These fuckers truly believe they’re untouchable and it’s proven every fuckin’ day when others do their dirty work and let them get away with shit,” Hawk informs me as my blood boils in my veins.

This is the fucker who’s hurt my girl and threatened to rape her. He already tried to sexually assault her the day he beat the shit out of her but was stopped before it could happen. Peter doesn’t need to go to prison, he needs to be put the fuck down. His crimes are never gonna fuckin’ stop because he’s gotten away with this for far too long.

“What are we gonna do about this shit? You know I beat the fuck outta him on campus and there were a ton of fuckin’ witnesses,” I ask, not worried about going to jail at all because I’d do the same thing all over again if it meant getting him away from Reagan and letting others know who he truly is.

“We’re not gonna worry about it. His parents aren’t gonna do shit to you because it would mean openin’ back up the case with Reagan. That’s the last thing they want because this time they might not make it out of it the way they did the first time. They’ll leave you alone for now. Just keep your hands off of him movin’ forward,” Hawk states as he hands Reaper the folder with all the information in it.

“I’m gonna get a copy of this shit to Officer Hilton. He can work the case from his end. At the same time, I’ll make sure Lincoln has a copy of it. Our lawyer apparently has a good workin’ relationship with some of the higher officers in the FBI. He can make sure the case finds its way to them so they can take down Peter and his family. I’ve heard of them before. They’ve been in the news for all the good they supposedly do in their community. I didn’t buy it when I saw the story and I really don’t buy it now. These assholes are nothin’ more than entitled pricks who believe they can do whatever the fuck they want with no consequences. We’re gonna make sure they all pay for what they’ve done over the years and that Peter gets what’s comin’ to him. Hawk, keep diggin’. I want bank account numbers and all that shit. Find the money they’ve been stealin’ so we can figure out what to do with it. I’m thinkin’ the girls he’s attacked maybe receive a pay day for what he’s done to them.”

“I can get behind that,” Hawk answers with a smile on his face. “I’ll get to work on all this shit and have somethin’ for you soon. Tonight when everyone's asleep, I’m gonna have Titan help me put up the new cameras and get the angles right. We’ll be the only two who know where they are. They’ll all be on a separate power source as I said before so the same shit doesn’t happen again.”

“Good. Let me know when it’s done. I’m headin’ home to my woman and baby. The rest of you keep a fuckin’ eye on Savage and don’t let him get too fucked. He’s already almost there as it is,” Reaper says, laughter in his voice as he stands just as Savage’s loud ass voice filters through the room.

He’s singing again and getting closer to us. My friend cannot sing a single fucking note. I hope someone’s recording this shit so we can share it with him tomorrow when he’s dragging ass. Maybe it’ll pick him up. Opening the door, Reaper goes out in the hallway before me. Reagan and Kidd are trying to get Savage upstairs to his room without any luck. He’s swaying on his feet and almost passed out as they try to carry his weight. I rush around Reaper to get the weight of him off of Reagan. She doesn’t need to fall or get hurt because of his drunk ass. Not to mention, he’d hate himself if he hurt her in any way.

Once we have him in his room and on his bed, I lead Reagan back down to the common room. We sit at a table and accept the plates piled high with pizza, wings, and cheesy bread. I didn’t realize anyone was ordering out, but I’m not about to turn it away either. Reagan eats every piece of food on her plate before she pushes it aside and drinks her soda. My girl doesn’t drink very often. The only time I’ve ever seen her drink really is on her twenty-first birthday. I mean she really hasn’t been able to with all of the medicine and shit she’s been on. But, I know she has to watch what she does because of the medicine for her seizures. That’s one of things I did learn.

After eating, we make our way home and enjoy the rest of the night to ourselves. I worship her before we fall asleep in a tangled pile of limbs. The rest of the night is spent the same way. We wake up, get a snack, ravish one another again, and then fall back asleep. I love my life and Reagan is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

Chapter Seventeen


FOR THE LAST week Peter hasn’t been up my ass on campus. I rarely even see him in the class we share together. Since Trax put him on his ass and beat the shit out of him, he hasn’t been seen by anyone. I’ve had a few girls come up when I’ve been between classes and thank me for putting out the information about Peter and what he did to me. I mean, I’m not the only one who’s put that information out there. Trax did a very good job the other day when he dropped the bomb at Peter’s feet. Apparently, he’s tried to get with more than one girl since the day he attacked me and they’ve been smart enough to realize he’s not anyone they need to fuck with. So, he hasn’t been able to get a date with anyone and it’s pissing him off beyond belief. I guess it’s to the point that Peter’s been in talks with his parents about changing schools. So, maybe that’s why I haven’t seen him around.

Trax did let me know what Hawk told Reaper and him about what he’s found out so far on Peter and his family. Apparently I’m not the first girl he’s hurt and has gotten away with it. Peter is known for hurting and stalking girls. He’s had multiple restraining orders taken out against him and this isn’t the first college he’s been to either. Not just because of his grades either. Peter doesn’t do his work and hates going to the tutoring sessions he’s been scheduled for. It means there’s something wrong with him and he can’t stand to have anyone believe there’s a defect when it comes to any part of him. I have a feeling it’s all thanks to his parents and the way they raised him. Nothing can tarnish their perfect family picture. However, that doesn’t mean Peter isn’t to blame for his actions and the path he’s chosen to take in his life. He’s as much at fault as his parents are.

Jonah and I have a project to work on for one of our accounting classes. We have to put a company together from the ground up and set up the entire accounting program for it. I’m very intrigued by this project because I’ll be doing the same thing when I finally get to open my tattoo shop. Thankfully there’s programs out there that handles every aspect of it with a few clicks of a button. I can input everything I’ll need and then put in the numbers we’ve been given by our teacher.

Each one of us has been assigned a company and we’ve been given every single aspect of the company we need to set the program up. Jonah and I have been working together even though we’re not partners on the project since it’s a solo thing. But, it’s nice to work with him because he’s had questions about things and so have I. We bounce them off of one another and then get back to work. Almost every day we work at the same time, we’re still on campus between classes where we can sit in the library together. I find that I like working with Jonah because he doesn’t fuck around when it comes to his classwork. He gets down to it and we get a ton accomplished in a short amount of time. He’s the perfect study partner and Trax is happy I’ve found someone like him to work with. Jonah is the push I need some days to get my ass in gear because he’s always ready to bust through his assignments and get the work done.

I’m still ahead of every class I’m currently in. Jonah’s been using the study guides I’ve been making to help him prepare for the tests we have coming up. I’ve been going through them and adding to them from the lectures and continued reading material. Even parts of the homework have allowed me to add to the sheets I use and have given Jonah. It’s going to be midterm time soon and we’re gonna need to study our asses off if we hope to pass them. I don’t really have any concerns about passing with flying colors, but I know Jonah does even though he's smart as fuck. It doesn’t help that his parents and others have told him for so long how fucking stupid and shit he is. Jonah isn’t stupid at all. He was a little behind because he dropped out of high school and got his GED, but he’s caught up quicker than he thought he would. Now, he’s surpassing me and I couldn’t be prouder of him than I am every time he shows me a passed test or homework assignment.

Being ahead in every class is going to help me because in a day or two I start physical therapy and I know that’s going to kick my ass. I need to work myself back up to where I was before the attack.

Today, I’m at the house while Trax is at the clubhouse for church. I didn’t want to go today because I want to get some work done. He wasn’t happy about me staying here because the only person who could come to the house to watch over me is Connor. He hasn’t been with me since the day Trax picked me up from school and he was nowhere to be found. Then he came up with the lame ass excuse about dropping the keys and not knowing when he lost them. Nothing more than a lie to leave me alone so Peter could get his hands on me. I know Hawk has been trying to get into his phone, but that’s about all I know on the situation. If this entire thing didn’t involve me, I wouldn’t know half of what I currently do. Trax is choosing to give me the information because he wants to know I have all the evidence I need to protect myself. Especially if there are other players in the game that I need to pay attention to. Like Connor.

Sitting in the office, I look out the window to the front yard. Connor is sitting on his bike with his phone in his hand. He’s always on his fucking phone and it drives me up a fucking wall. Deep in my gut I know he has something to do with Peter and it’s more than likely him that he’s talking to right now. He’d be the perfect one to let Peter know where I am and what I’m doing if he’s stuck on babysitting duty. Shaking my head, I resist the urge to call Trax or my brother since they don’t have their phones on them while they’re in church. He’s outside and I’ve got the alarm set so he can’t get inside the house. He doesn’t even know the code to the gate and can’t open it from outside if he were to get Peter here.

Shaking my head, I try to put my focus back on the work in front of me. I’m almost completely done with the project for accounting so I can move on to the next big project I have. There’s a paper I have to write for another class that’s due in about a month. It gives me plenty of time to do the research and get a rough outline done before I can fill in the rest of the details and get the paper written the way I want it done. So far, I’ve gotten every paper and project done past when we have our midterms. The only reason I don’t have the accounting one done already is because I had to wait for the information we were given by the professor. Now, I’ve got it almost complete and there’s still two weeks left before it’s due. Jonah is the same with his project and we’re happy as hell to be done with this one so we can get back to work on the homework assignments. Jonah wants to catch up with me so he’s ahead and doesn’t have to spend hours at the clubhouse doing homework.

As I finally finish the project, my phone pings from the desk where I set it when I came in here. Picking it up, I see it’s a message from Trax. Confusion fills me because he should still be in church right now. They had a few things to go over today and it would’ve taken more than just twenty minutes to get through everything. I know there’s days the Wild Kings spend twenty minutes just going over the businesses of the club and how they’re doing. So, there’s no way in hell I should be getting a message from my man right now unless something happened.

Baby: Need you to come to the clubhouse. I’ll let Connor know so he can bring you. He’ll be leavin’ his bike at the house and drivin’ the car. I’ll see you as soon as you get here.

Fear fills me as I wonder what the hell is going on that would need me to be at the clubhouse. The only thing that comes to mind is something with Peter. I’m shaking as I turn off the computer and gather my phone and drink from the desk. The last thing I grab on the way out of the house is my bag where I toss my phone as I leave the house. Connor is already moving his bike so he can drive the car. I really wish I could drive myself, but I won’t be cleared yet to do so. Thankfully I haven’t had another seizure but it could happen at any second and there’s nothing I can do about it.
