Page 29 of Tame Me

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“No. Without an extra sample, we don’t know who actually got her pregnant. Does anyone know the main person she fucked outside of the club? Maybe one of the Fallen girls know who she was fuckin’ on a regular basis,” Reaper says, trying to work this shit out in his mind.

“Then, we’ll have to keep our eyes open and go out in search of her,” Titan says, his voice filling the room as I look at him to see if he’s got any ideas about what to do. “When someone’s out, I want you to go down roads you don’t normally travel. Look all over the place for her. If there’s any abandoned houses or properties, look there first. Then I want to know if Peter has a house in the area. Or his family. Hawk, get on that shit first.”

“I agree. Let’s get on this shit. Anythin’ else we have to go over today?” Reaper questions before slamming the gavel on the table.

I know we had to talk about more shit, but we’re gonna deal with Precious and find her before anything else apparently. There’s a run coming up and I won’t be going on this one. Savage is this time. I get to stay with my girl and make sure she’s protected from this shitstorm. Peter will not get to her if I can make it stop. On the way out of church, I get my phone and gun from Jonah. Putting them in my pocket, I don’t stop or talk to anyone as I head straight for my bike to go home.

Savage follows me as I straddle my bike and start my bike. Revving the engine, I pull out of my spot in line before heading for the gate. Greg opens it for Savage and me while I ride out and head home. As usual, it doesn’t take me more than a few minutes before I’m putting the code in and the gate to my house is swinging open. The first thing I notice is the car’s gone. Connor has moved his bike and the car is no longer parked where I left it. Reagan would’ve messaged me if she had to leave the house for any reason. Even if I were in church, I would’ve gotten it when I got out. Pulling out my phone now, I see there’s a message from her.

Pixie: I’m on my way to the clubhouse with Connor. I don’t know what’s going on, but if you need me there, I’ll be there. I love you, Trax.

Confusion fills me because I didn’t message her to come meet me at the clubhouse. But, I see a message right above hers telling her to come to the clubhouse. That I need her to meet me there. The message makes it sound as if something’s happened and there’s an emergency going on. I know for a fact I didn’t send this shit, but I don’t know who the fuck would have. Getting off my bike the second the kickstand is down, I rush up the stairs and put in the code to open the door. Savage is yelling something to me, but I can hardly hear him over the blood rushing through my body as fear completely fills me.

I race from one room in the house to the next. Every room is empty as I look for any sign of my pixie.

“Reagan!” I yell out, stopping completely so I can listen for some kind of response from her.

There’s nothing as Savage meets me in the living room.

“Where the fuck is my sister?” he questions me as I hand over my phone so he can see the message I supposedly sent her.

“Fuck!” I yell out, knowing Connor knew this shit was gonna happen today.

Somehow he got his wish to be put on her today so he could set this plan in motion. Now we just need to figure out who else is involved. Peter is definitely one of them but I don’t know who else could be behind this shit. Jonah sure as fuck wouldn’t have helped anyone get to my girl. He likes Reagan and would never put her in harm’s way.

“Call this shit in!” Savage yells, panic filling him as he races through the same exact rooms I just looked in for his sister.

I immediately call Reaper in order to let him know what the fuck is going on. He wants us back at the clubhouse immediately because there’s nothing we can do here at the house. Hawk can pull up the security footage to make sure no one else was here besides Connor. That’s about all he can do though. We have no clue where the fuck my girl is or if she’s even still in Clinton City.

“Let’s go, Savage,” I call out, knowing it’s time for us to get the fuck outta here before I destroy my house and everything in it.

“What’s goin’ on?” he questions as we race out toward our bikes so we can head to the clubhouse.

“Reaper wants us at the clubhouse. He’s gonna have Hawk pull the security footage so we know if anyone else was here. I don’t know what the fuck is gonna happen from there. What I do know is that my fuckin’ girl will be brought home immediately. Peter is gonna fuckin’ pay for this shit,” I tell him just before starting my engine and revving it to take off.

We race to the clubhouse and pull into our spots in line against the clubhouse. I don’t hesitate to shut my bike off and make sure the kickstand’s down before rushing into the clubhouse. Reaper and Hawk are waiting for us in the common room and only members are filling it. There isn’t a single Fallen girl or Prospect there waiting for their next orders. I don’t give a fuck where they are. The only important thing is Reagan and getting her back in my arms where she fucking belongs.

“What did you find?” I ask Hawk, my heart pounding out of my chest as I come to a stop in front of them.

“Nothin’. Connor sat outside the house all fuckin’ mornin’. He was on his phone the entire time and not payin’ attention to his surroundin’. From there, Reagan comes out and gets in the car. They have a brief conversation before gettin’ in and headin’ out. The gate opens when the car gets close enough to trigger the sensor. It’s all planned out meticulously. Connor didn’t do the plannin’ on this shit,” Hawk informs me as I look around for the one person who had my phone when I was in church.

“Where the fuck is Jonah?” I ask the room as they all look in the hallway where the Prospect’s rooms are.

“He’s in his room. Why do you need him?” Reaper questions me, his voice almost a whisper as he wonders what the fuck is going on and why I’d want Jonah.

“Someone sent Reagan a message from my phone. Or phone number. It’s how they fuckin’ got her out of the house. Now, I want to see who got my fuckin’ phone from him and why this message came from me,” I answer, watching as Titan leaves the common room and heads to bring Jonah out to talk to me.

It doesn’t take long at all. Jonah rushes from the hall where his room is. He comes to stand in front of me and waits for me to lay into him. Fear and anger fill his eyes letting me know Titan must have said something to him about what’s going on.

“Where is she?” he finally asks when I don’t say a word to him. “I promise you, Trax, I wouldn’t do anythin’ to hurt her. Reagan is someone I consider a friend and she’s already been through more than enough shit at the hands of Peter and Connor. I want to be there when you go after her. Let me help you, Trax. I’m beggin’ you.”

“Did anyone come up to get any of the phones or anythin’ while we were in church?” I ask him when he’s done pleading with me.

“No one at all. I had the baskets on the table just outside the meetin’ room and stood on the wall opposite. My eyes never once left that table. I didn’t pull my own phone out for any reason and I made sure none of the Fallen girls came down the hallway as we usually do,” he answers me, the truth of his words in his eyes as he stares me down.

“Okay. As far as I’m concerned you can go with us. The final call belongs to Reaper though. Reagan also considers you a friend and I know you’ll do everythin’ you can to help get her back home where she belongs,” I tell him, resting my hand on his shoulder as his entire body relaxes with my words.

“Jonah, you can come with us. Have you heard anythin’ about Peter havin’ property in this area since you’ve been at school?” Reaper asks him as Hawk goes back to work on his laptop.
