Page 36 of Tame Me

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“I’m so happy for you both. Now, Trax, you’re gonna have to let go of her so she can get ready. First up is getting in the shower so you can wash the nasty off you. I’ll help you get ready while these guys do what they gotta do,” my mom says, pulling back and looking at Trax until he carefully sets me down on my feet with reluctance.

My mom leads me from the common room as everyone else starts to enter the clubhouse. I don’t know if we’re gonna be able to pull this off and I don’t really care about having a huge, fancy wedding. I never have. As long as my parents are here and I truly love the man I’m marrying, then I’m happy. That’s always been my only dream for when I got married. With all of my siblings moving out and on with their lives, it was always a real possibility that they wouldn’t be available for my big day. Again, not something I’ll ever hold against them because they all have busy lives and that’s okay. I’m truly happy for them and know they won’t be mad about this. They’ll help us celebrate when they can.

My mom helped me get ready for the day. I don’t have a white dress, but we found one that will work for my wedding. It’s a summer dress in a soft blue with white flowers on it. The dress goes down to my feet and the heeled sandals I’m wearing will allow me to move around without stepping on the dress. My hair and make-up are done thanks to my mom and Alex working together. The second Alex heard what was going on, she gave Reaper the babies and came up to help me get ready.

We spent the entire time talking, laughing, and shedding a few tears. My mom told all sorts of stories about me growing up and getting in as much trouble as I could considering how protected I was by everyone. She tells Alex about Pops taking me out so I could do things others wouldn’t let me do as long as he was the one watching over me in case something happened. It’s what I really needed after seeing Peter up close again the way I was. Now, I just need to make sure that Trax is happy for the rest of his life.

I don’t have a doubt that I can make him happy, but I know that everyday won’t be a fairytale like most girls want. Relationships take time, patience, and two people willing to put in the hard work it takes to make it through each day. We’ll fight, argue, and get annoyed with one another. That’s just how things are. However, even though Trax and I have been doing everything faster than normal, I believe we’ll make it the distance because we love one another and this is what we want. Our lives and relationship don’t work on anyone else’s timeline because they don’t matter to us.

There’s a knock on the door as I take a final look in the mirror in the bathroom. I’m as ready as I can be and there’s nothing else that can be done to me. My hair is half up with curls cascading down my back. The make-up on my face is very light and almost not there. Alex did my eyes in a dark brown with mascara covering my lashes. I’ve got a nude lip gloss on my lips that isn’t supposed to come off if I eat, drink, or kiss my man.

“Baby, you look beautiful,” my dad Cage says, as I leave the bathroom and see him in the bedroom alone.

“Thank you, Dad,” I tell him, stepping up and accepting the hug I know he wants to give me.

“Are you ready to go?” he asks, his voice gruff and full of emotion.

“Yes. Are you ready to let me go?” I return, tears filling my eyes as I look at one of the first men who showed me what it means to love a woman.

“I’ll never be ready to let you go, Reagan. You’ll always be my little princess that I have to protect just a little more than everyone else because you’re too stubborn and independent to let your medical condition drag you down. I fell in love with you the day I first saw you as a baby and I thank everyone I can daily that you were brought into my life. Every fuckin’ day you teach me what it means to be strong, loyal to a fault, and so insanely carin’ that everyone can’t help but be drawn to you. Now, Trax gets to experience that for the rest of his life. I’ll always love you, Reagan. And if he ever hurts you, I’ll come down and beat the shit outta him. He will never dim your light because it shines so fuckin’ bright,” he says, pulling me back into his arms as we take a minute for the two of us.

When Joker comes in the room, he pulls me into his arms and holds me close.

“I love you, darlin’. Everythin’ Cage just said goes for me too. Reagan, you bring us immense joy every day since we met you. Bailey might have been playin’ matchmaker, but she knew what the fuck she was doin’ by makin’ us come down and help your mama out that day. Not only did we get the best ol’ lady on Earth, but we got six of the most amazin’ kids too. You and Savage taught us how to be dads and to get through each day not knowin’ if we were gonna have to rush you to the hospital or doctor. Now, your man is goin’ crazy out there waitin’ for ya. Let’s get you to him,” Joker says, trying to lighten the situation so I don’t let the tears I’m desperately holding back to spill over.

We leave the room with one of my dads on each side of me. My hands rest on each one of their arms as I’m taken back to every single time I danced in the house with one of them. It was the last thing they wanted to be doing, but they never once denied me or the rest of the kids anything we wanted. As a little girl, that meant tea parties, dressing up, dancing, and all the stereotypical things little girls like doing. Neither one of my dads ever complained about doing that stuff and always had a smile on their faces.

Leaving the hallway, a song starts playing that causes a tear to roll down my face. She’s Somebody’s Daughter by Drew Baldridge plays through the speakers in the common room. I know this is my mom’s doing because she always said this would be the song I walked down the aisle to from the very second she heard it. I remember her calling me and making me listen to it over the phone. I loved it then and I love it now.

My eyes lock on Trax where he stands at the other end of the common room just off to the side of the front door. There’s an arch behind him and Reaper stands just in front of it. He’s got a large smile on his face as Trax turns to face me with the most relaxed look on his face that I’ve ever seen. His eyes track my body from top to bottom before moving back up until he’s staring into my eyes. It’s easy to see the love he feels for me as he doesn’t move his eyes no matter what’s going on. I want to rush up to his side, but Joker and Cage hold me back as they both laugh at my impatience to get to Trax.

“All in good time, baby,” Cage says as everyone starts laughing with him. “He’s got you for the rest of your life and this is us walkin’ to give you away. Not somethin’ we wanna do.”

“You’re never gettin’ rid of me, Dad,” I promise him, still not taking my eyes off Trax where Jameson’s hand rests on his shoulder to hold him in place.

When we finally get to the end of the make-shift aisle, my dads hand me over to Trax but don’t move from our backs as we turn to face Reaper.

“Who gives this girl away?” Reaper asks, looking at my dads with a knowing look on his face.

“We do,” Joker responds when Cage refuses to speak up. “Cage, her mom, and I do.”

“We’re gathered here today at the last second to marry Bryce ‘Trax’ Smith and Reagan Greene-Johnson. This isn’t gonna be your typical weddin’ because Trax wants the ceremony part of today over and done with as soon as possible. So, I’m gonna ask the question before they say their vows to one another. Does anyone here today wish for this weddin’ not to take place? If so, speak now or forever hold your fuckin’ tongue because it’s gonna happen anyway,” Reaper says, looking around the common room for a minute as everyone laughs at his words because he’s not wrong. Trax won’t let anyone take this away from us. “Trax, you may go first.”

“Reagan, I started to fall in love with you the second you walked into the Wild Kings clubhouse on your birthday. My heart knew it belonged to you and that I’d do whatever it takes to protect it, and make you mine. Never did I believe that a few simple text messages would lead to talkin’ every single day to my best friend and the woman I love more than anythin’. Wakin’ up with you in my arms is the best start to the day and I know that each night when I climb into bed, I get to hold you in my arms and feel your body against mine. There will never be another person in this world who could attempt to take your place in my life. Today, I promise you to always be your best friend, to love and protect you, support you, and spend the rest of my life treatin’ you like my queen. I love you today, tomorrow, and always. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you and make a million memories,” Trax says, making the tears filling my eyes spill over as they slide down my face.

“Bryce, you came into my life when I didn’t know what I was looking for. At a time when everything was completely up in the air because for the first time in my life I was taking a stand to get what I want and stand on my own two feet without having my family at my back every second of the day. Quickly you became my best friend and the only person I wanted to talk to every single day. My face lit up the second I’d see your name on my phone and I couldn’t wait to either hear your voice or read what you had to say. Now, I get to spend the rest of my life with you at my side. I promise you here today that I’ll love you, support you, and spend the rest of my life makin’ sure you don’t ever suffer through a bad day alone. I love you today, tomorrow, and always,” I tell him, my voice breaking on the last word as he holds my hands in his.

“Movin’ on. Do you have rings to exchange?” Reaper asks, his voice filling with laughter because as far as I know, we don’t have rings today. This is so last minute and there wasn’t time to get any.

“Yeah, we do,” Trax answers as he turns to face my brother.

Reaper has Trax repeat after him as he slides an engagement ring and wedding band onto my finger. Turning his attention to me, I know I don’t have a ring for Trax to wear. However, my dad steps up and holds out his hand. In the center of his palm rests the very first wedding band my mom got him. They now wear titanium bands with all the work they do on bikes and everything else.

“I’d be honored if you give this to your husband to wear, baby,” he says quietly so I’m the only one who can hear him. I simply nod in response because I can’t say anything right this second.

Repeating what Reaper says, I slide the ring onto Trax’ finger. The ring fits perfectly and shines bright under the lights in the common room.

“It’s my honor to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Smith. Bryce, you may kiss your bride,” Reaper calls out as Trax pulls my body close and presses his lips to mine.
