Page 37 of Tame Me

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We kiss as the world fades to nothing around us. The catcalls, whistles, and clapping fade into the background as my entire focus is Trax and the way his soft lips press against mine as he slides his tongue over my bottom lip until I open my mouth for him. Sliding his tongue in, he tangles it with mine and we continue to kiss until my brother steps up and clears his throat in our ears. Breaking apart, I glare at Jameson while he simply smiles at us and nods to the room full of people surrounding us.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I’M FUCKING MARRIED! This wasn’t how I planned to end the day with my girl. I wasn’t planning on coming to the clubhouse at all, but that’s where Cage drove us. So, the second we stepped inside and I knew everyone would return soon, I figured it was the perfect time to marry the love of my life. Reagan is the other half of my soul, my best friend, and the only woman I’ll ever love. Now, she’s my wife and carrying my baby. The only shitty part of today is when Savage stopped me from kissing my sweet pixie. Yes, I know why he stopped us, but it doesn’t mean I’m happy with him doing it. I love kissing Reagan and feeling her lush lips against mine while our tongues battle for dominance. But, in front of her parents might not be the best place to make out with my wife. Though, I’m sure they understand where I’m coming from. Because I hope when we’re their age that Reagan still looks at me the way her mom stares at her men and that I look at my wife the way Cage and Joker look at Skylar no matter who’s around them.

“Listen up!” Cage calls out the second the ceremony is over with. “Since this shit was all last minute, and we don’t plan on lettin’ our baby girl have a horrible day, we already called in an order for food, desserts, and a cake. They’ll be here in a few minutes. Reagan, we got all your favorites and your mom approves of the bakery that’s deliverin’ the cake. We stopped there the last time we were in town. We love you and this is the start of the rest of your life with a good man at your side.”

Cage’s words mean a lot to me. Most of my life, I never dreamed I’d settle down with one woman or give a fuck what anyone else thought about me. I thought I’d be in the club and find random pieces of strange when I needed to fuck my tension out of my system. That all changed in a split second and now I give a fuck what others think of me. I want Cage, Joker, and Skylar to like me and know that I’ll be the man their daughter deserves. That her brothers and sister understand that she’s my best friend and that I’ll love her until the end of time. Even after I take my last breath and we’re no longer together in this world.

Everyone comes up to congratulate us as I keep my arm secure around Reagan’s shoulders. She looks fucking beautiful today and there’s a glow to her that hasn’t been there before. I listen in as she talks to my brothers while keeping me just as close to her as I’m keeping her to me. When she looks up at me all I can see is the love in her eyes and it’s something I’ll make sure I see every day for the rest of my life.

“Since we’re waitin’ for the food, why don’t the two of you have your first dance as husband and wife?” Skylar asks, when everyone has finally come up and exchanged a few words with us. “I’ve got the perfect song to play.”

I lead my wife to the middle of the common room where the tables and chairs have been pushed to the side to make room for chairs to line the aisle and shit. Holding Reagan in my arms, I don’t take my eyes off of her as It’s Always Been You by Caleb Hearn starts playing through the speakers. We slowly dance as Reagan lays her head on my chest and wraps her arms around my neck. Her fingers play with the hair at the nape of my neck. The only sound in the clubhouse is the song playing as we dance together. I close my eyes for a brief moment and let the scent of my wife surround me. She always smells like apples and it’s my new favorite smell. I know it’s the shampoo she uses because I’ve bought it for her more than once and I’ve washed her hair with it as well.

“I love you, pixie,” I whisper to her as we continue dancing, lost in our own world.

“I love you too, Bryce,” she returns, not moving her head or opening her eyes.

After the song ends, another one starts and Cage steps up to pull her from my arms. They dance to one of those sappy father-daughter songs before Joker takes his turn halfway through the song. I stand back and watch until Skylar steps up next to me.

“You’re not getting out of dancing with me, Trax. I hope you know that,” she says, a smile on her face.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” I return, keeping my eyes locked on Reagan and Joker as they dance to the end of the song. “Just make sure your men don’t rip my arms off on the day of my weddin’.”

“They won’t hurt you. They’ve got better control than that,” she insists as Cage simply arches an eyebrow and looks down at her.

“No, we don’t,” he states simply as Reagan and Joker join us off to the side of the room.

“I don’t care. Trax is my son-in-law and we’re gonna have a dance now. You stay here with our daughter and let me have this,” Skylar says, turning to face her men and putting her hands on her hips in defiance.

“You’re just lucky we love you,” Joker says, a smile on his face as Skylar leads me to the middle of the floor and another song plays.

I don’t know what this one is either. She must have picked a few songs and made a playlist while she was helping Reagan get ready for today. Or, she’s like most moms and has dreamed of her daughter’s wedding day since she was a little girl and had this waiting for Reagan.

“I’m sorry if I ruined what you had in mind for Reagan’s weddin’ day. I just know I love her more than anythin’ and there was no way in hell that I could wait another second to make her my wife,” I apologize to Skylar as I hold her at arm’s length so Cage and Joker don’t beat my ass. I’ve got plans for Reagan tonight and that can’t happen if I’m covered in bruises and can hardly move.

“Nonsense, Trax. Reagan has never been the girl who dreamed of happily ever after and a huge fairytale wedding. She’s always been a simple girl who just wanted someone to see her as a person instead of the girl with seizures. You see every aspect of her. I know you’ve done research about her seizures and that you’ll always do everything in your power to love and protect her. That’s all my girl has ever wanted. You honestly made today perfect for her because you made it about her and the love you have for her. For the first time in her life, she’s truly happy and isn’t constantly thinking of everything she can’t do because of the seizures. You gave that to her and I know you’ll give it to her every day for the rest of her life. That’s all I can ask for,” Skylar tells me as the song comes to an end and gives me a pat on my cheek before she makes her way back to her men.

The door of the clubhouse opens and a catering company enters with tray after tray of food. Reaper and Alex direct them to set everything up on the bar that spans the length of the room. It doesn’t take the company very long to set everything up before Reaper tells us to get in line and get our food before everyone else does. I follow Reagan down the length of the bar as she fills her plate with food. Accepting the bottle of the water Jonah holds out for her, we make our way to a table on the opposite side of the room and I pull out a chair for her. Once my wife is settled in her seat, I take mine next to her.

Everyone moves through the line to get food before taking seats around the common room. We’re joined by her parents and Savage as we spend our time talking and laughing. Savage doesn’t stop teasing his sister to the point she’s as red as a fire engine and can hardly breathe. This is their typical relationship though. Reagan and Savage are always trying to get one over on the other one. It’s a battle that won’t ever end. I will always cheer for my wife to win though.

A while after we eat an early dinner, Skylar leads us over to the cake they ordered. It’s very simple in all white with blue roses placed around the three layers. There’s no cake topper or anything else you might see on any other wedding cake. But that’s okay. Reagan and I aren’t your typical couple. Our entire relationship has been on our own timeline and I don’t see that shit changing anytime soon. Reagan and I cut the cake and feed one another a small piece. Well, we try to feed one another a bite. We both manage to get more all over the other one’s face than in their mouth. Reagan laughs at me as she lifts her hand to wipe some of the cake and frosting from my face. I help her at the same time while everyone laughs around us.

For the next few hours, we spend our time with everyone here today. We’ve eaten, had cake, and danced a few more times. Now, it’s time for us to head out for the surprise Reaper helped me put together. I wasn’t planning on going anywhere right now, but Reaper gave me a solution that will keep us in Clinton City but still give us time away from everyone else.

“Pixie, are you ready to get out of here?” I ask her, knowing it’s time to leave.

“I’m more than ready,” she answers, a yawn overtaking her as she tries to hide it.

“Let’s get out of here. We have to stop home really quick and then we’ll be on our way to a cabin,” I tell her as I lead her to Cage, Joker, and Skylar so she can say goodbye.

After a round of goodbyes to everyone, I lead her out to one of the club’s SUVs. There’s no way in hell I’d put her back in my car that’s been brought here. I’m going to get rid of the damn thing so she doesn’t ever have to think about what Connor did to her again. At least not because of a car that I don’t get rid of. I have more than enough money to buy a new one and make sure Reagan likes what we have. She’ll be the one in more often than me so it makes sense to get her something she truly wants to have. Even if she can’t drive it herself right now.

After stopping at the house to grab some clothes for the two of us, I get back in the SUV. Reagan’s so tired, she fell asleep in the five minutes it took to get from the clubhouse and didn’t move a muscle when I parked and got out. So, if she doesn’t have what she wants to wear for the next week, I can’t be blamed. I picked out what I thought she’d look fucking amazing in. There might be more lingerie than actual clothes for Reagan, but I really don’t see anything wrong with that. I mean, as far as I’m concerned, she doesn’t even need to wear clothes for the next week. She can walk around naked and I’ll be more than happy to stare at her body every second of the day. My plan is to spend most of our time in bed anyway.
