Page 5 of Tame Me

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It’s not long before the man named Irish walks over to us. Reagan asks him to show her brother the tattoo she was telling him about and I can’t help but lean past her to get a look. On the man’s ribs is script with names. Surrounding the words is a wolf. It’s barely shaded in with his mouth hanging open in a snarl. Fuck me! Reagan’s work is stunning and I want to be one of the lucky ones to have her work on my skin permanently. Savage and Irish talk about the piece for a few minutes, allowing Reagan to turn her attention back toward me.

“You tattoo?” I question, looking over her exposed skin for any ink on her body I might have missed during my own eye fucking of her.

“Yeah. I’ve been workin’ at the club’s shop. Irish is the first one I worked on. He’s got three of my pieces covering his skin right now,” she says, pride filling her voice.

“What are you workin’ on for yourself?” I ask, needing to know what she's going to have inked on her flawless, virgin skin.

“I’ll show you sometime. If you’re lucky,” she taunts me, a flirty smile on her face as she looks straight at me.

“That’s how it is?” I ask, running a hand lightly up her arm as goosebumps break out over her skin.

Before she can answer, one of her dads calls her over. She bounces off the stool and makes her way toward him. I watch her walk away from me. Her ass swaying in a hypnotizing way. Not like the rest of the women I know; she’s not doing it to gain attention. It’s just how she moves; graceful and poised. Reagan moves as if she’s a dancer and was made to show her body off to the right man. Not the world, but me. I’m the right man and the only one who should see any inch of her body as I watch her move before my eyes.

“We gonna have problems?” Savage questions me, sliding over next to me so no one else can hear.

“Not if you don’t stand in my way. Know she’s your sister, but she will be mine,” I answer, glancing over my shoulder at her.

“She deserves more than to be a notch on your bedpost, Trax. My sister isn’t a sweetbutt,” he warns, knowing my past more than most. Savage and I have shared a girl or two since he’s come to the Fallen Brethren MC.

“Know that too. She’s got a way about her. I want her in my bed, in my life, and on the back of my bike,” I tell him, turning to face him letting my words sink in.

I’ve never let a bitch get near my bike. The only one that will ever ride is my ol’ lady and Savage knows this. Too many guys put any random piece of strange on their bike, but not me. If I’m not at the clubhouse and I find a bitch to fuck, we fuck right there. I don’t care if it’s in a bathroom, an alley, or out in the open. She has no chance to get on my bike. No one has ever gotten close; until one look at Reagan. Now it’s all I can think about. I want to feel her arms wrapped around me as her tits press up against my back as we travel the roads. The need to have her wrapped around me as we experience a ride together is almost consuming me as images filter through my mind. Of her sitting in front of me while she wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me close to her and just holds me.

“You’re serious?” he questions, taking a sip of his beer before setting the bottle back down.


“Won’t stand in your way then. Just know if I see you treatin’ her like shit, I’ll put you to ground. That’s the only warnin’ from me you’ll get. My brothers and dads are another story though,” he tells me as his brother fills our empty shot glasses and places a beer in front of us.

“You fuck my sister over and hurt her, Jameson will have to get in line behind me,” he says, standing tall and not showing a single ounce of fear as he stares me down. I honestly wouldn’t expect any less from her brothers. I’d be pissed if they weren’t this protective of her.

“Got it,” I respond, a smile on my face because I just got the green light from my best friend to make a move on his twin sister.

“And she’s gotta go to school. This is the first time she’s stood up to our parents about somethin’ this big and I’ll make sure she gets to school and fulfills her dream,” Savage tells me, a smile on his face as he talks about his sister. He’s proud of her and wants to ensure she lives her dream.

“I want her to go to school. From what you’ve said, she needs to experience shit and I have no intention of standin’ in her way. But, she will be mine,” I state, a determination I’ve never felt before coursing through my veins.

For the next hour or so, I watch Reagan mingle with her family. A smile covers her face as a red tint tinges her cheeks. Her hand hasn’t been empty since she started doing shots with Savage and me. I’m not sure what she’s drinking, but she’s laughing and having a good time. She’s had several shots and more than a few of those fruity drinks girls seem to love so much. That’s what all the women here are drinking as they come up and talk to her and try to spend time with her. Her dad, I think it’s Cage, tries to get her to eat something, but she only picks at the food in front of her. I had my own plate and the food is fucking amazing.

She finally makes her way back over to us while stifling a yawn. I laugh as she tries to get up on the stool next to me and fails miserably. Reagan looks at the seat like it did something horrible to her and I have to hide my laughter. Savage doesn’t bother attempting to hide his though. She doesn’t take her attention off the stool as her glare turns as deadly as a drunk girl can make it. Again, I have to stifle the laughter that wants to spill from me because she’s cute as fuck.

“Got beef with the stool, Rea?” he asks, laughter lacing his words.

“It moved on me. Or I’m really fucking drunk,” she says, slapping a hand over her mouth at the swear word.

“You act like Mom is here and goin’ to beat your ass for sayin’ fuck. You’re not a baby anymore, sis,” he says, helping her up between the two of us.

“I know that. I’m the one fighting for my independence. Remember?” she questions, trying to turn her attention to her brother.

“I know. I’m gonna head to bed. You’ll be okay with Trax?” he asks, giving me my opening.

“Yep. He looks big and strong. He’ll protect me,” she slurs out, turning toward me as she sways in the stool and I instinctively reach out to steady her.

Savage busts out laughing again before pulling her in for a hug. “Love you, sis. You need anythin’ while you’re at school, you call me. I’ll be closer to you than Mom and the dads.”

“Love and miss you, Jameson,” she returns, a hitch in her voice as she watches Jameson leave her side like she’ll never see him again.
