Page 7 of Tame Me

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My dad pulls me out and wraps his arms around me. I’m leaving the only world I’ve ever known behind to start this new journey and I’m going to take all the comfort I can from them while they’re here. He finally pulls away from me and I see the moisture in his eyes. Cage is right behind him and I can see the emotions running across his face too. He’s just better at hiding some things than Joker is. At least from the rest of the world. Neither man has ever hidden what they’re feeling from any of us kids.

“Let’s get you all moved in,” Cage says, pulling me from Joker’s embrace and into one of his own.

Before we can get too far, there’s another rumble of bikes filling the air. I turn my head to see two bikes pulling into the parking lot and heading straight for us. As they get closer, I recognize my brother Jameson and his friend Trax. Damn, Trax looks sexy as hell on his bike. He’s wearing all black today and has a bandana tied around his lower face to cover his nose and mouth. It doesn’t hide the glint in his eyes as they lock on me and only me.

“What are you guys doin’ here?” my dad Cage asks the two men as they get off their bikes.

“Wanted to be here to see you guys and make sure everyone knows we’re gonna be here for Reagan. No one’s gonna fuck with her,” Jameson answers, looking around where everyone continues to stand and stare at us.

Trax stands back and nods his head in agreement. He never takes his eyes off me as my family surrounds me. Even when I’m not looking at him I can feel his gaze always on me. No one else has ever affected me the way Trax does. Every single move I make, the weight of his stare penetrates me and offers me a layer of safety and security I haven’t ever felt before. Like he’s hanging back so I can do my own thing but close enough to fucking catch me if I fall.

I break away from my family and begin to grab bags we put in the back of the SUV. It’s going to take a bit for all of us to unload the SUV and the small trailer on the SUV. Trax is the first one to come over and help me begin to unpack everything. He gives me a small smile as our hands brush against one another. His rough, calloused skin showing me he doesn’t have a problem working with his hands.

“You excited to be here?” he asks, loading up his arms as much as he can.

“I’m excited but I know it’s gonna be hard. I need to do this. I talked to my dads last night and we got some stuff out in the open on all three sides. Now, it’s time to focus on getting moved in before my classes start in a few days,” I answer him as we make our way into the dorm room I was assigned to.

Trax nods in understanding and waits for me to grab what I’m taking up before following me into the dorm I’ll be staying in. My parents made sure I’d have my own room and I’m almost thankful for the fact I won’t have to worry about disturbing someone else when I come and go or being disturbed by someone that wants to party all the time. They also made sure I’m on the ground floor. Just in case something happens and someone needs to get to me for help immediately.

We walk in the dorm and I make my way down the hall to find my room. I’m at the very end of the hallway. Opening my door, I see a packet lying on the bed and a set of keys next to it. Trax waits for me to set everything down on the bed so I can begin to unburden him of the millions of bags he grabbed. The others come and go for more stuff as I continue to unload his arms. Damn, he grabbed way more than I thought he did.

“It’s gonna take you forever to get everythin’ set up,” Trax comments as we turn to leave my room.

“Yeah. But, I have three days until classes start. I figure that’s enough time to set everything up and find where my classes are. And I’ll have to find my coffee shop. Can’t do without that in life,” I say, laughing as we open the door for Kyle and Jameson to bring in my bookshelf.

In the end, it takes all of us almost two hours to get everything inside. The guys make sure all the heavy stuff is set up the way I want, including moving my bed to the opposite wall and setting up the new desk Mom bought me. Jameson made sure my whiteboard and corkboard were hung up over my desk so I can write anything down I need to and hang pictures on the corkboard. Everything else is just making sure I put it away the way I want; school supplies, art supplies, clothes, bathroom essentials in my private bathroom, and the rest. I’m looking at a long few days with little sleep.

“Walk us out?” Cage asks, wrapping his arm around me.

I nod my head in response as I become overwhelmed with emotion. Tears fill my eyes as I realize I won’t see my family every single day. They’re all a phone call and hours away from me. While I know I need to make this move, I’m going to miss my family. This is a huge step for me and I didn’t ever really think it would happen for me. Not with how protective they are. At the end of the day, I’ve been with my family every single day for my entire life and it’s going to take time to adjust to not having them right there with me.

Joker and Cage push their bikes into the trailer so they can ride back with my mom. They don’t want her driving that far alone with how emotional she’s going to be. I think the three of them need some time alone before they get back to Clifton Falls. They’ll have the other guys with them, but they need to be alone in the SUV for the amount of time it takes them to get back home.

My mom wraps me in a hug and we both cry into one another. The men give us our time together while they get the bikes secured and pretend to help my dads. After a few minutes, my dads make their way over and pull me from my mom’s arms. I’m wrapped in the security of Cage’s strong arms first. He whispers to me how proud he is and I feel a few tears hit my shoulder. He clears his throat before letting me go and turning me to face my other dad. Joker wraps me up and lifts me off the ground. The same way he’s always done with me. Brandon and Kyle come hug me next and make sure I know to call them if I need anything. Irish comes up after them and wishes me luck and makes sure I know they’re all only a phone call away. Jameson is the last one to come up to me. There’s excitement, sadness, and a peace I haven’t seen for a long time on his face.

“You remember I’m an hour away and I can be here quicker than that if I have to. I’m always here and you’re never a bother to me,” he says, looking me in the eyes to make sure I hear him and know he’s not lying.

“I know. I’ll call if I need anything,” I promise him, knowing I won’t ever call him unless it’s an absolute emergency.

Trax comes up and gives me a quick hug. He tells me he’ll call me later to make sure I’m settling in okay. Nodding my head, I let him go and watch as they all load up and get ready to leave. Tears fall down my face as I watch them all disappear. The rumbling of pipes fills the courtyard in front of my dorm. It’s a sound I won’t get to hear too much of anymore and it’s one I’ll miss. When everyone is out of sight, I make my way back inside. I give myself a few minutes of a pity party before I get to work. My bed is covered and I need to get it cleared off if I plan on going to bed tonight at some point.

Chapter Four


WE STOP A mile from the dorm where we just left Reagan. Cage gets out of the SUV and makes his way to Savage and me. Shutting down our bikes, we wait for him to get close enough to talk about whatever he needs to say. I have a feeling something is going to be aimed my way because there’s no way in fuck they don’t know how I feel about Reagan, their baby girl. I want to reassure them that I’ll do whatever it takes to make her happy and protect her, but I don’t know if they’re going to give me that chance.

“We’re hungry. Can you boys grab a bite to eat before headin’ back?” he asks, keeping his attention on me and not his son.

“Yeah. We got time,” Savage answers.

“Lead the way,” he says before turning to go back in the SUV.

Pulling out we lead the way to the diner we usually go to when we’re in this area. It doesn’t take long to get there. After parking so the SUV and all the bikes are in the same area, we all shut our engines down and I don’t waste any time getting off my bike. I’d rather get this talk out of the way sooner rather than later so her dads know I’m not gonna fuck Reagan over and hurt her because I don’t know how to keep my cock in my jeans. Cage holds me back while everyone else goes inside. This is the moment I was waiting for; the talk from one of Reagan’s dads.

“Trax, I don’t know you and I’m not goin’ to pretend I do. What I’m gonna say is I know my daughter likes you. I also know what you told Jameson. I told her that she needs to get some experience datin’ other guys before she settles down. I hope you can get on board with that,” he tells me, his arms crossed over his chest as he glares at me.

To many men, Cage is overwhelming and intimidating. Not to me. I’ve been dealing with men like him my entire life. And, I get where he’s coming from. This is a man who would give his life to protect his daughter, or any of his children. Right now, he doesn’t know if I’m a danger to her or someone who will take that job from him and Joker.
