Page 103 of Sharing the Nanny

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“Picture that little girl right now, sitting at home with tears in her eyes,” I chastised. “Not a single goldfish in the whole cabinet, because her father greedily took the entire box.”

“Greedily, huh?” he asked, popping another few into his already-orange mouth.

“Yeah,” I stared down at him. “Greedy.”

“Takes one to know one,” Jax countered.

If Adrian’s costume fell a little short, Jax’s was outright ridiculous. He had a plastic breastplate, a plastic sword, and a matching plastic shield with a cheesy-looking dragon on it. The whole set looked like something you’d find in the toy section of a five-and-dime shop, only this was an adult-sized version. Because, well… Amazon.

“Are you finally going to take that ridiculous armor off?” Preston sighed. Embarrassed to sit next to him during any of the shows, he’d been begging Jax to do it all day.

“Maybe,” Jax crunched away. “Why, is it still pissing you off?”

Adrian laughed. “You know it is.”

“Then maybe not,” Jax winked.

I smiled at the most child-like of my three boyfriends. Out of all four of us, Jax had most recently been the busiest of all. He’d taken up medical classes at the University at Buffalo, while still somehow keeping on as an Erie County paramedic. His days were no longer days. They were blocks of hours now, each of them dedicated to working, studying, and preparing for his upcoming residency.

For all of these reasons, plus taking care of the children? The four of us slipping away for just two days was a titanic effort.

“Got the air-conditioning hooked up yet?” Adrian asked him.

“Not even out of the box,” Jax said proudly. “I’m on strike until we eat something.”

“You are eating something,” Preston pointed out.

“You mean this?” he shook the box of Goldfish. “Please.”

The summer had been a hot one for us. Now, a week into September, the cooler weather was just starting to roll in. I was looking forward to sweaters, and pumpkin spice lattes. To Halloween costumes, apples, and the crisp fall air.

And eventually, even to snow.

“So what did you think of your first Rennfest?” asked Preston, leaning his bow and quiver in the corner of the tent.

Adrian and Jax looked at each other.

“Not bad,” said Adrian. “I expected more swordfighting to break out, though. Seemed kinda tame.”

“The food was good,” said Jax. “I never ate some of that stuff before.”

“Yeah, well now you’ve had all of it,” Preston laughed. “In fact, I think you ate everything they had.”

“Not the fried Oreos,” Jax disagreed. He wrinkled his nose. “They looked gross.”

“I’m pretty sure they weren’t period, either,” Adrian smirked.

“I liked the wenches too,” Jax said, turning to wink at me. “They seemed very… well…”


“Yeah. That.”

I reached down and pushed my tits up with a smile. “This better?” I asked him. “I don’t have a corset laced up so tight I can’t even breathe, like some of those gals. But I can always give you a temporary show.”

All around me, the guys sank into their camping chairs. No one was setting up the grill, or unfolding the solar panels, or doing any of the things we needed to do. We were just too tired. Too weary from walking the entirety of the fairgrounds.

Instead of mounting a protest, I just smiled and sank into my own chair.
