Page 104 of Sharing the Nanny

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“Maybe tonight we just chill, and set all those things up tomorrow,” I suggested.

Jax looked alarmed. “But what about—”

“I think there’s a Burger King about a mile and a half from here,” I cut him off with a shrug. “It’s not exactly period or anything…”

My suggestion was met with a round of smiles, all around.

“We could pretend they were dragon burgers, and eat them anyway,” Preston offered.

“Could we get enough french fries to fill a backpack?” asked Jax.

“Shit yes.”

He jumped up so fast, his plastic breastplate flopped against his chest. “Then what the hell are we waiting for? Let’s go.”

I was laughing so hard I couldn’t get out of my chair — or maybe it was just that my ass wouldn’t let me. Eventually it was Adrian and Preston who stepped in. They offered me two strong helping hands, and brought me back to my tired feet.

As we filed out of our giant, inflatable palace, I went over it all in my head. I had a life full of promise, and a future filled of love. I had the adoration of three incredible men, and two beautiful adopted babies. Together we made up a whole new family, and we were far from finished.

These men had promised to marry me, as soon as they could figure out where and when. We’d always be together, even when life set us temporarily apart. I would love them, cherish them, hopefully bear children by each of them. These were just some of the long-term crazy plans we had, including finding the perfect location to build the dream mansion we’d always agreed we could live in forever.

But as far as I was concerned, right now there was no rush, no big hurry. Everything would fall into its proper place in due time. In the meantime, I was going to enjoy it to the fullest. I intended upon making many happy memories, and relishing every single minute of this long, beautiful ride.

Most of all, I was thankful for how lucky I was to find these men again, during the course of my life. They were second chances, all of them. Second chances, in a world where some people don’t even get a first.

“Think they still have Shamrock shakes?” I heard Jax asking.

“Still?” swore Adrian, incredulously. “St. Patrick’s Day was six months ago!”

“But I like Shamrock shakes,” Jax lamented.

“Don’t they taste the same, anyway?” asked Preston. “I mean, isn’t it just a vanilla shake dyed green, or—”

“Blasphemy!” Jax shouted lustily. “Shamrock shakes are minty, and creamy, and they’re absolutely delicious!”

“Not to mention they’re from McDonald’s,” I chimed in from behind them. “Not Burger King.”

The others laughed, while Jax’s look of utter dismay made me chuckle. I stuck my tongue out at him. He flipped me off.

“Still hate you,” he told me, but not without adding a wink.

“Right back at you, big boy.”

Yeah, I thought to myself as we reached the truck. Second chances pretty much rock.

That said, I had so very many first chances to look forward to.
