Page 11 of Sharing the Nanny

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“I’m so glad you’re here, Harper.”

The warmth of the fireplace, the wine, the music, the candles: it was all so soothing and relaxing. I might’ve accused him of planning it, if I hadn’t shown up so totally out of the blue.

“I’m glad, too.” I said. “In fact—”

I whirled, as something moved off to my right. Standing in the hallway, clutching a fuzzy blanket and a red stuffed dragon, was a beautiful, blond-haired little boy.


Adrian’s smile turned fatherly. He stood up, crossed the room, and lifted the toddler into his arms.

A son!

I couldn’t believe it.

Adrian has a son.

Oh my God, how could I not have known? I should’ve internet stalked him better, or Jax should’ve mentioned it, or any number of other things.

“Hey pal, you’re up again?”

His voice was so gentle, so tender, I felt my throat closing up. How could I not have known?

“Brayden, this is my friend, Harper.”

The little boy looked my way and smiled, sleepily. When he waved his tiny hand, my heart melted.

“Hi baby!” I called cheerily.

Adrian smiled at me, then smiled back at his son who was fighting to keep awake. The poor little baby was already closing his eyes.

“It’s late,” Adrian murmured, kissing the boy’s smooth, chubby little cheek. “Let’s get you back to bed, okay?”

He turned toward the hallway, but not before looking over his shoulder and mouthing three silent words to me:

Be right back.

~ 5 ~


I couldn’t believe she was actually here! Sitting in my living room, waiting for me to return. Her wine glass was almost empty. It was a problem I meant to remedy immediately.

“There you go, buddy. Here’s Draco.”

I tucked the stuffed dragon between my son’s arms, watching as he clutched it to his little chest. My heart swelled. I bent to kiss him for the tenth time.

“Now… go to sleep.”

He was already three-quarters there. I covered him from the waist down with his blanket, then ran my hand slowly through the softness of his hair. It was that baby hair you only get once in your life. Once you cut it, it’s gone forever.

A minute passed. Two minutes. I kept rubbing his back the whole time, wondering what random stroke of good fortune had brought Harper Hayes to my doorstep. Eventually I decided that I didn’t care. I was just glad that it happened.

She looked absolutely incredible of course — even better than I’d remembered! And truth be told, my memories were fantastic to begin with. I’d thought about her a lot lately, over the long trips and even longer plane rides. Travel tended to do that sometimes. It left you time to dance around in your past. It amplified loneliness.

Once Brayden’s breathing became slow and regular, I crept from the room and closed his door halfway. I paused at the end of the hallway though, if for no other reason than to take her in.

