Page 17 of Sharing the Nanny

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The person I knew only as Telengard had exchanged phone numbers with me a while back, when I’d helped them debug a bunch of interface code for some music software. We shared a love for virtual reality, C++, and vintage Star Wars Lego sets.

Why put them off when I already have them?

My mouth dropped open. The blanket cinched up around my shoulders to keep me warm fell to the floor.

Shoot me your address. I’ll get them out.

As thrilled as I initially was, I had to temper my rising excitement with reality.

I, umm… I’m kinda short on cash at the moment.

The ellipses started blinking immediately as Telengard began typing back. Outside, just beyond my window, new snow was falling. It was beautiful, even if I knew it meant more shoveling.

No cash necessary. Let’s say I was able to trade for these.

Besides, I still owe you one. Remember?

My breath caught in my throat. Free stuff was always good, but these components were particularly hard to find. Ordering them could take months, even if I had the money. And now they’d just fallen into my lap.

I don’t know what to say!

Other than thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

I sent over my address, my fingers moving so quickly I screwed it up two or three times. Eventually I got it right.

Welcome! Lego-maniacs always look out for each other.

Telengard ended the conversation with a smiley-faced wink emoji, and I pushed back in my chair. With the adapters taken care of, I could move forward into the next phase of testing. My kinesthetic perception software was on point, and the tactile feedback loops I’d agonized so much over had finally been perfected. I was getting closer, week by week. Everything was coming together.

A shiver swept over me, as I glanced up at the thermostat. It was sixty-four degrees. I had the thermostat set to sixty-six, which could only mean one thing: I’d run out of oil. Again.

Well, almost everything.

The phone was still in my hand. I punched up my conversation with Adrian, and scrolled to the photo of Brayden, sitting there in his high chair. He looked beyond cute. Totally adorable! Just like his father…

My finger hovered over the contact button, but only for a second or two.

Then I pushed it.

~ 8 ~


I’d been a waitress, a dishwasher, an apprentice baker for a mom-and-pop bakery. I’d worked as a lifeguard during my teenage years, and served as the night clerk at a bed-and-breakfast.

But I’d never, not even once, imagined myself as a nanny.

None of those things mattered much now, but I’d figured them out as I went. With a little luck, I expected the same kind of learning curve here. If I was going to be a nanny, I’d be the most kickass nanny this side of Niagara Falls. Maybe even in the whole universe.

Easy, killer.

Not only that, but I was also putting my best foot forward, so to speak. I wore a low-cut but comfortable blouse, with trendy pre-torn jeans that hugged my hips and accentuated my ass. I looked good, and I smelled even better. Most of all, I intended upon impressing the hell out of Adrian. I wanted to semi-seduce him; make him as physically crazy for me as I was for him. Some of it was to make up the time we missed out on. A sort of apology for what happened when we were younger, and more naive, and not always able to make good decisions.

And if my sexy ex-best friend happened to be up for a second-chance rendezvous as much as I was? Well, then he’d get to nail the nanny. To the nearest wall, if that were an option. But, more preferably, in his nice, soft bed.

In short, I wanted to make up for lost time. I wanted to finish what the two of us had started, all those years ago.

An entire catalog of those memories were still swirling through my mind as Adrian answered the door. He looked absolutely incredible, dressed in a button-down shirt and sports jacket. Cool casual. Perfect for whatever business he happened to be taking care of on a snowy weekday evening.
