Page 24 of Sharing the Nanny

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“Dorky, cosplaying wanna-be —”

“I fucked your roommate.”

The words spilled scathingly from my lips: a confession, meant to be an insult. Meant to shock him, or hurt him, or somehow—”

“Preston?” he asked incredulously.

I nodded silently, gauging his reaction.

“You fucked Preston?”

“And he fucked me, yes.”

Jax laughed. “And you did this to get back at me?”

Wait. What? He wasn’t getting this at all!


“You did it to make me jealous, then?”

“Hell no!” I cried. “Think I give a shit what you think?”

“Well, if you’re going out of your way to fuck my roommate—”

“It happened more than a year ago!” I shouted. “We met at a bar, at this… this stupid hookup thing.”

Jax just sat there, shaking his head and smirking. “Sounds romantic.”

“It was a one-shot deal. We never saw each other again.”

“Shit, now it sounds even more romantic.”

He leaned back casually, spreading his arms over the back of the couch. He looked pleased with himself. I was ready to kill him.

“Did you hear anything I just said!?” I demanded, leaning in. “Are you really so thickheaded you’re gonna pretend—”

“About what!?” he screamed, leaning forward to meet me. “That I care? That I give even the tiniest shit what you do?”

We were suddenly nose to nose, face to face, his ice-blue eyes locked tightly on my own. I could feel the raw intensity of his presence. Smell the rich, toffee-like scent of the whiskey on his hot breath.

“You’re right about one thing!” I growled, half getting up. “Why the hell am I even here? Why would I think for a single second that—”

Jax’s lips crashed into mine, kissing me violently, destroying all else. There was no shock. No recoil. No second thoughts.

Because instantaneously, I was kissing him back.

Our tongues began some fiery duel, our mouths devouring each other hungrily, angrily, as our hands rushed forward to complete our embrace. Jax’s palms went to the sides of my cheeks. My fingers slipped through the thick forest of his dark hair, all the way to the back of his head, pulling him in. Keeping him locked so tightly against me, he couldn’t possibly retreat until I’d drank my fill.


This was a necessary evil, I knew. A more primal outlet for our rage, our hatred, our general disdain for each other. Jax wasn’t just kissing me, he was conquering me… and I, him. I knew it by the way I half-climbed, was half-pulled on top of him, until I was straddling him on the couch.

I just hadn’t expected to enjoy it this fucking much.
