Page 28 of Sharing the Nanny

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Preston stood in the doorway, casually chowing down on a bowl of very granola-looking cereal. He pointed his spoon at me.

“I mean, if this is a sexy surprise thing, I’m totally into it,” he said. “Let me shower first, though. I’ve been out all night—”

“YOUR bed?” I cried.


I bolted upright, noticing now that the walls glowed dimly with the yellow light of dawn. Preston stared down at the mess and shook his head.

“Jax took you in here, didn’t he?” He let out a sigh. “That fucker.”

“W—What time is it?”

“A little after five.”

He walked over, and I clutched the sheets even tighter against me. But Preston wasn’t interested in me. He was reaching out to inspect the damage his headboard had done to the wall.

“Oh man,” he groaned, thumbing the badly-dented sheetrock. More chips of paint flaked away. “There goes the security deposit.”

I scanned the room for my clothes. They were scattered in a circle around the bed, exactly where Jax had taken them off. When I looked up again, Preston was noticing the same thing.

“Look, I ummm…. I’m really sorry,” I said awkwardly. “I had no idea this was your bedroom.”

Preston laughed, and for some reason his laughter made everything better. He took another scoop of cereal.

“I came here last night, we had a few drinks…”

“Yeah, yeah. I get it.”

In the almost-daylight I could see it all now; the pristine toys, the graded comics. The posters framed neatly on the walls, of obscure sci-fi movies that only someone like me would’ve seen. There was a stack of worn Dungeons & Dragons books piled on the corner of a nearby dresser. The ones you’d need to not only play a campaign, but actually run one.

“Fourth edition?” I noted.

Preston nodded, looking impressed. “My friends and I have been rolling the dice for a long time. We like to keep it oldschool.”

“Oldschool would be second edition, at the very least.”

“True, but then you’re missing out on a lot of new classes, races and spells.”

I smiled at him. “Three or four Comic-Cons ago I cosplayed as an elven war-mage. Took second place in my category.”

He eyed me over with an appreciative wink. “I would’ve liked to have seen that.”

All of a sudden I remembered I was naked. Beneath the blankets, anyway.

“You’ve seen enough,” I admonished him. “Hand me my clothes?”

“Yes, milady.”

He gathered my things, panties and all, then chivalrously turned around so I could get dressed. I suppose I should’ve been embarrassed, especially when he handed me my thong. But none of it was anything he hadn’t seen before.

“You sure you didn’t come here last night looking for me?” Preston asked.


“Because I can’t imagine you came looking for Jax.”

I slid to the edge of the bed and slipped on my underwear. I felt a little better, but not much.
