Page 45 of Sharing the Nanny

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Adrian paused, while switching from one foot to the other. The second his warm hands closed over my toes, I let out an unmistakably sexual moan.

“I dunno,” he said eventually. “I guess I was lonely.”

“You,” I smirked, looking him over. “Lonely.”


“Adrian, have you looked in the mirror lately?” I demanded. “You could get any girl you want. Any time you want.”

“Maybe,” he agreed. “But a bunch of empty sex wouldn’t make me any less lonely.”

“I’d take empty sex right now any day of the week,” I replied, without thinking.

The hands rubbing my feet squeezed tight for a moment and then stopped. “You would, huh?”

“Over my current sex life?” I mused, doing my damnedest to mentally omit my tryst with Jax. “Yes.”

Adrian’s eyes were on my body, now. They crawled downward, over my legs, just as his hands moved from my foot to my calf muscle.

“What about meaningful sex?” he asked plainly.


“Yes,” he reiterated. “As in sex with someone you love and care about. Sex with someone you actually connect with.”

The room was suddenly very warm. The candles, the wine, the strong hands kneading my tired muscles — it was all starting to stack up. His fingers weren’t just feeling good anymore, they were feeling electric.

“You’re talking about when we almost hooked up,” I murmured softly.

Adrian shrugged. “Could be.”

~ 20 ~


My mind wandered back to the night. It was a night I’d thought about so many, many times. A night I wished I could somehow have back, to do it all over again.

To do it right.

“We should’ve hooked up,” I eventually admitted.

“We sorta did hook up,” he smiled.

Slowly I drained my glass, thinking back to the night of the most severe thunderstorm of our young lives. We’d been caught outside, a few blocks from home. We’d run through sheets of rain, buckets even, until we arrived back at Adrian’s house, breathless and soaked.

But he’d forgotten his key. His parents weren’t home. Grabbing my hand, Adrian had led me through his backyard and into the pool house, where we quickly shed our clothes and tossed them straight in the dryer.

I remember the flash of lightning that illuminated our near-naked, shivering bodies. We stood there with our chests heaving, our eyes devouring each other with full permission, the walls and inhibitions of our platonic friendship temporarily stripped away. We came together with the very next thunderclap, kissing and writhing. Touching and feeling and exploring all the hot, secret places that had been so forbidden during our countless hangouts, our movie nights, our times together.

I remember falling onto the little pool house couch, as Adrian’s mouth slid methodically down my neck. He kissed my shoulders, my breasts, my flat, quivering stomach. He’d kissed me until the cold of the rain was gone, and only the heat of our twisting, grinding bodies remained.

I remember trembling as he took my thighs in his hands. He spread my legs. Pulled my panties to the side…

And then he went down on me, burying his hot tongue so achingly deep inside me I could only grab his head and scream.

I remember seeing stars. I saw planets and universes and entire fucking galaxies as Adrian devoured me, so very hotly, from his knees. The pleasure washing over my brain was all-consuming, almost terrifying in its totality. My fingers went from sifting his hair, to scratching his back, to clutching the pillows beneath me so hard my nails were piercing the fabric.

Up until then, no one had ever done this to me. Even now, no one has ever done it nearly so well. I screamed like a banshee as I came, convulsing wildly, clutching Adrian’s hungry mouth against my surging, throbbing womanhood until I flooded him with my warmth and wetness. I bucked and screamed as lightning split the sky, but Adrian wrapped his arms around my thighs and hung on for dear life.
