Page 68 of Sharing the Nanny

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I saw the tension slowly go out of her shoulders. With my understanding, the frustration melted away.

“She’s saying she doesn’t want things to change,” I went on, still maintaining eye contact with her. “She wants them to stay exactly the same.”

“The same?” Jax’s brows scrunched together in confusion.

Preston was busy scratching at his jaw. He cleared his throat. “You mean the same as…”


His eyes went abruptly wide. “Oh.”

Harper didn’t move, or shrink away. She stood her ground, without flinching.

“You know what this means, don’t you?” I asked her. “I’m certainly not going to stop. They’re not going to stop, either.”

I extended a finger, pointing at the others. They were already nodding.

“We’re going to continue on with everything the way it was,” I said. “No one’s backing off. And no one’s going to hide it now, either.”

Harper swallowed. “I know.”

“So are you sure this is what you want?”

She bit her lip and nodded, and the nod was adorable. “Yes,” she said, a little more breathlessly. “I’m sure.”

Her stress was gone now, having totally fled. Wicked confidence slid right into its place.

“In fact, let me show you how sure.”

Harper grabbed me, pulled me in, and kissed me deeply… right in front of Jax and Preston. She didn’t even hesitate. Not for a single minute.


I melted into her hands, and those hands were now roaming my chest, my shoulders, the small of my back. Harper kissed me for another few seconds that felt like blissful eternity. Then she let go, and slid right up against Preston.

Holy fuck.

I watched her kiss him too, and a stab of jealousy tore through me. It didn’t seem real. There was something crazy about seeing the girl you loved kissing someone else, yet still having to be okay with it.

But are you okay with it?

Oddly enough, I was. If it meant not letting her down, I could cope with it. If it ensured I didn’t lose her again like I had before, I was all in.

Harper finished kissing Preston and moved on to Jax. He was her frenemy. Her nemesis. For these reasons, I knew she’d chosen him last.

That, plus I’m sure she did it just in case it pissed him off.

Holy shit, look at them.

I watched, as my best female friend stood on her toes and locked lips with my oldest, closest friend in the world. Their kiss was fiery and passionate, full of sparks and chemistry that belied their love-hate relationship. Whatever bullshit facade these two had kept up all these years, I knew in that one kiss that it had all crumbled away. And it wasn’t just one kiss, either, but a series of electrifying kisses that had Preston and I ready for a second and third turn.

Unfortunately, there were no other turns to be had. Harper stepped back, thoroughly satisfied with her handiwork. There was relief in her eyes. A new relaxation in her body language.

But there was lust there, too. I could see the goosebumps that had risen up on her arms. The deep pink hue her skin had taken on after kissing all three of us. It was in her eyes, her cheeks, the rapid rise and fall of her chest. She wasn’t just relieved by not having to decide, although that was definitely a part of it.

No, Harper wanted this, and she wanted it badly. That much was obvious.

“So…” she said, stepping back. “Are we convinced?”
