Page 73 of Sharing the Nanny

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The Jax being right part made me frown. Even if the voice wasn’t exactly wrong.

Maybe, I sighed to myself, as we picked up speed and rhythm.

And so what if I am?

After initially letting me move at my own pace, the guys had seized back some control. Adrian was clenching and unclenching his perfect ass, thrusting wondrously into me from below. And Preston’s hands were in full command of my hips now, giving him even more leverage as he plunged in and out of my tight little ass.


I surrendered completely to the heat of the moment, giving myself to their every whim. Eventually Preston’s hands slid down to my wrists and seized them tight. I was alarmed at first when he began pulling my arms back, forcing my body to arch backward, my breasts pointing upward. By then I was grunting like a whore, making obscene, guttural noises as my hair spilled all the way down my naked back. I could feel it bouncing against the top of my ass — the same ass Preston was so thoroughly and expertly fucking — as Adrian continued bucking upward, drilling me so deep I was ready to lose my mind.

My whimpers eventually turned into moans, and the moans into cries of pleasure that rode the razor-sharp edge between pleasure and pain. The pleasure was so total, so magnificent, it always won out. Everything below my waist was so wet, so swollen, so incredibly hot, all I could do was continue in my compliance, surrendering my body wholly and completely as nothing more than a tool my magnificent lovers could use to get themselves off.

And when they finally started coming inside me… pulsing and throbbing and filling me in two places at once…

I came too.

~ 37 ~


“Oh my God Jax, I can’t believe you’re letting her do this!”

Harper’s mouth hung open, the straw from her vanilla shake hanging off her plump bottom lip. Her eyes tracked upward, to where Emma had just disappeared into an overhead tube. I could see the tube vibrating as she crawled through it. She came out the other side and waved to us through the Plexiglass porthole.

“You do realize we’re gonna need a steam hose and six gallons of bleach to disinfect her, right?” she added dramatically.

I laughed.

“Seriously, Jax! A McDonalds indoor Playplace?” She pointed again. “There have to be at least a half-billion different colonies of germs and viruses living in there. And she’s crawling through it.”

I tore into Emma’s hamburger, which of course she had no intention of ever finishing. The second she saw the colorful ball-pit and the slide that fed into it, all interest in food went right out the window.

“Look, kids need germs,” I told her with a smirk. “They keep the immune system healthy. Besides, our parents’ generation let us run rampant through places like this, and even worse.”

“Maybe, but…”

“And just look how great I turned out?”

Harper rolled her eyes and made a face, so I made one back. Hers was better though.

“Give her a few minutes,” I said. “She’ll make a friend or two, like last time. And if she doesn’t, we’ll crawl up there ourselves.”

At that, my ‘date’ laughed. “Speak for yourself!” she said. “And I hate to break it to you, but you’re not gonna fit up there.”

“Oh no? Watch me.”

I moved to stand up, but Harper pulled me playfully back down. I fell heavily into the tiny molded seat, spilling french fries everywhere.

“This place isn’t made for guys your size,” she chuckled.

“Yeah, well it should be,” I countered, still keeping an eye glued on Emma. “Guys my size have kids too, you know. Take Jason for example. He was bigger than me, and well…”

Harper’s whole expression softened. I realized too late I’d been talking about my brother.

“Anyway,” I sighed, “maybe it’s better off I wasn’t there the other night. You and Preston getting together is like hanging out with the Geek Squad. Adrian must’ve been going out of his mind with—”

“It’s okay, Jax,” she said gently. “You don’t have to change the subject. You can talk about him.”
