Page 83 of Sharing the Nanny

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The whole inside of the house was an absolute wreck. Furniture was turned over, shelves removed and upended. Electronic parts and pieces were strewn everywhere, including two monitors that lay face-down in the middle of the living room.

They were monitors that had previously been in my bedroom.

Oh no…

Jax was still determining whether or not intruders were still in the house when I pushed past him. He reached for me feebly, but I was too fast.

“Harper, wait!’

Into the bedroom I ran, at nearly a full sprint. I tripped over something unknown, pinwheeled for a split-second, then went crashing into a pile of clothing that had been torn from my closet.

I looked up, fearfully, and my worst nightmare came true.

Everything was gone.


My computers, my laptops, the mini-rack of servers I’d once been working on as a freelance project for a difficult client. Everything was missing. Only dangling wires remained.


Jax was in the doorway. He was flanked by Adrian and Preston, who’d apparently heard my screams.

Preston’s eyes were especially wide.

“Holy shit, Harper did they—”

I twisted sideways, leapt to my feet, and flew into the closet. It looked like a bomb went off — everything was tossed. Nothing was in its proper place…

… including the air-gapped machine where I kept all of my haptic development files.


My research. My development. All the hard work I’d put in, over the past several months and years.

Everything, all of it…


My legs buckled helplessly as I sank to my knees and cried.

~ 41 ~


“It’s over! That’s it!”

I was shaking, head to toe. Nauseous to the point where I wanted to vomit. Adrian reached out to comfort me, but I shied away. When Jax did the same, I ducked backward, tears streaming.

“It can’t be all gone,” Adrian reasoned. “I’m sure you have backups, or copies, or—”

“No, it’s gone!” I shouted. “Everything!”

“What about the cloud?” Jax offered helpfully.

He was being genuine, of course. But the look the others gave him shut him up completely.
