Page 11 of Rock

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“You seein’ anyone?”

I grunt a laugh. “Lots of someones.”

He shakes his head. “Right.”

I glance at him. “I got the looks. I don’t chase pussy, pussy chases me.”

“You got the looks? We look the same, asshat.”

“Fuck that shit. You wearin’ your hair weird like that doesn’t do you any favors, by the way.”


I tug on the back of his man bun. Seriously, he’s embarrassing. “What is this shit? You too good to be wearin’ a ponytail now?”

“Shut the fuck up.”

“Mean it. Don’t wanna be seen dead with you sportin’ a man bun.”

“Since you got the looks, that doesn’t matter, right?”

I narrow my eyes on him. “How’d you know where I live?” I ask when we pull off on the right exit to my neighborhood.

“You think I came here unprepared?”

“I’d be sorely disappointed if you did.”

“Not the greatest of neighborhoods. Don’t go out after dark.”

“Thanks, mom. Didn’t think I’d get your stamp of approval.”

“You know, in all the years we’ve been apart. I’ve never heard you whine like a little bitch more than you are right now.”

I grin. “I guess old habits die hard.”

We pull up not long after and he idles at the curb in front of the shop.

“I’d invite you up…” I start, waving my hand in front of the pizzeria. “But you might get your shoes dirty.”

“You’re an ass.”

I give him a salute as I step out of the car. “Thanks for the ride.”

“Don’t get locked up again.”

I wink. “Why? You’ll still come get me.”

“Don’t count on it.”

I shut the door and flip the bird as he pulls out onto the street and eventually disappears from view.

One thing we both know is he’ll always be there. We’re magnets, drawn together whether we like it or not.

He may act like I’m nothing to him, but if that were the case, he would’ve let me rot in jail.

When I can no longer see his car, I move toward the side entrance that leads up to the apartment.

It’s a shithole, but at least if anyone breaks in, they have to get past hundreds of pizza boxes before they get to my apartment. Not that there’s anything in there to steal.
