Page 117 of Rock

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“I’m not.”

Pressing my lips against his once more, his tongue slides into my mouth as we kiss. I push my tits against his chest as his hands settle on my ass cheeks, effectively holding me against his hard cock.

He squeezes my ass and we kiss for so long, I lose track of time.

I’m wet for him. So ready to have him, but I also want him to relax. He’s still so pent up and his grip on my ass is almost painful, not that I let him know that.

“We better not start something before we can finish it,” I pant. “If you’re a good boy after I bathe you, I might suck your dick.”

A slow smile spreads across his face. “I think I like the lead up to that.”

I smile too. “You like the idea of me washing you, don’t you?”

He squeezes one cheek, and I yelp. “No, but I like the idea that I get to be naked with you.”

He stands, taking me with him as I wrap my legs around his waist.

We kiss again. It’s so passionate. So raw. Everything about this man makes my senses feel like they’re tingling.

When we reach my bathroom, I slide down his body, my hands landing on his belt buckle. I want to undress him.

I undo his belt, his top button and then I unzip him. My knuckles graze his hard cock as he hisses. I shrug his jeans and his boxer briefs down to his thighs and then look up at his smirk.

“Sit, please,” I say. “I need to deal with those boots.”

Surprisingly, he does as I say and sits on the edge of the tub as I get on my knees and untie his laces.

When I glance up, he’s watching me, his eyes dancing with a delicious mix of surprise and lust. I always want him to look at me like this, and while my head is telling me not to get too attached, my heart is telling me to shut the fuck up.

I yank them off, along with his socks, and while I’m down there, I tug his jeans the rest of the way off. He doesn’t move to help me with his motorcycle jacket or his t-shirt.

I leave them on as I divert my gaze to his dick that is now bobbing in my face.

I run my hand down his thick length as he hisses, one hand automatically landing on the back of my head. He doesn’t move it, or force me anywhere, he just rests it there.

I don’t know why I find that soothing, but it calls to me on another level.

It brings something out in me that almost feels feral.

My badass biker.

As I swipe my tongue over his slit, his chest rumbles in approval.

I do it again, murmuring, “Does my baby need some attention?”

I smile to myself as I suck the end of his tip, looking up at him as he watches me with hooded eyes. I flatten my tongue, loving how his eyes darken when I take him farther into my mouth. Goddamn.

“Jesus,” he mutters. He shrugs off his jacket, and then yanks his t-shirt off, dumping them on the floor.

I let him go with a loud pop. “I can’t get you too excited,” I say, standing as I lean over to turn the taps off now that the tub is nicely filled. “We just got your breathing under control.”

He grabs me by the hips and drags me back to his lap. He’s shaking his head, amusement on his face. I’m glad to see him smiling instead of the rage that he showed me earlier. “You’re bein’ a bad girl, Trouble. I should put you over my knee.”

He’s jealous and possessive. I try to reason with myself that it’s because he cares, but is that the reason?

I ignore that thought and brace my hands on his shoulders. He wants to spank me, and to be honest, I’d let him.

He pushes his head between my breasts as I run my hands through his hair.
