Page 126 of Rock

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I smile, leaning down to kiss her softly. “You took my cock so well.”

“I love it,” she says, yawning as her eyes close.

My baby needs her rest.

I pull the comforter over her, and she groans in appreciation. I don’t want to go back to my room so I slide in behind her, pressing my body against her side as I listen to the sound of her soft breathing. She’s already asleep.

I kiss her shoulder, pushing the hair back off her face as I study it.

She couldn’t be more perfect.

This woman is mine.

I don’t give a fuck about goddamn rules. She’s mine.

Mine to protect.

Mine to hold.

Mine to fuck.

Mine to love.

I snort. Love? What in the ever-living fuck is going on?

My brother warned me. I’d know when I’d found ‘the one’ because it’d feel different.

My heartbeat would change. My thoughts would cloud me. My mind would play tricks on me. And he’s right, on all accounts. I can’t think straight when she’s around, and I sure as fuck can’t think straight when she’s not around. I’m like a rollercoaster, out of control.

I run a hand down her body and cup her ass.


I’m gonna get to the bottom of all of this, I swear to myself. Nobody is gonna come near her.

Not now. Not ever.

Or I’ll fuckin’ kill them.



The minute I wake, I know he’s gone.

I look to the left of me and see the rumpled pillow. When I run my hand under the sheet, his side of the bed is cold.

He spooned me last night.

We cuddled.

I woke up a couple of times in the night, and he was by my side, his arms around me protectively. It spoke to me in so many ways and made me feel more protected…and fuck…more loved than I ever have before. Not that I think he loves me, that would be stupid. I know this is just sex…really great sex…that it doesn’t equate to love, but Rock has been so sweet and nurturing.

All that crock of horse shit he told me about not being a good guy and how bad he was…it’s all lies. I know his heart. I’ve seen how caring he is.

Oh, my. I wince. I am a little sore, but nothing crazy. When I get up and pee, I can’t help but feel a little smug that he did what he did and it felt good. I mean, I’ve always kinda looked at anal sex as something uncomfortable and just…eww…but when I came, it’s never been like that. Rock is a master at sex. He knows so much more than I do and I’m here for it. I want every damn inch of him all over again.

I go in search of my robe and my poor cat who I neglected last night.
