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An escape. Something to sink my teeth into and get away from these four walls. To get my dad’s attention, too? Maybe. He never notices anything.

Yet, all I did was escape one prison cell for another.

I was pretty popular on the show, even though everyone thinks I’m something I’m not. The entire show is scripted and cheesy, but it paid off. Or it did until I got booted off because of a brawl.

My now ex was caught up in a cheating scandal with one of the dumb girls, Lisa, on the show, and I lost my mind on camera. I’m proud to say I stuck up for myself and ultimately that led to a cat fight. Of course, it helped with the ratings but not so much my persona of shaking off the ‘bad girl’ image.

I ripped out one of her extensions and made her bleed. She’s probably going to sue me for all I’m worth because my dad’s rich. Apparently, one way to never have to work again in your life, not that she needs the money.

I claimed self-defense, that she was provoking me, and after the producers decided to drop the bombshell, I lost my shit.

It’s been a slow progression of the last twenty-three years, and unfortunately this chick copped the brunt.

It also doesn't help that I’ve been in the public eye since I was small.

My dad is very well known in LA Tommy Huntley. He’s a financier and a realtor, owning one of the first successful real estate businesses in Beverly Hills and turning it into an empire.

Huntley Realtor Group.

My dad has connections, including the motorcycle club, where I’m being shipped off to until this scandal dies down. As if that wasn’t enough, my stalker is back.

I had a mild scare a while ago when some random number sent me scary text messages and told me I was going to die. The cops couldn’t find anything because whoever this person is, was using a burner phone. I had to change my number countless times and it only further fueled my dad’s paranoia about keeping me safe.

He has this fear of me being abducted and used against him.

To make matters even worse, my cheating ex, Dylan, can’t seem to stay out of the headlines. You’d think he’d know when to quit, but it seems he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants when we were together.

That’s what you get when you hook up with a pretty boy actor who spends more time getting ready to go out than you do. He wasn’t interested in anything except getting wasted and going to parties. The sex wasn’t just vanilla, it was the sugar-free version. I snort a laugh and my cat, Pirate, looks up at me.

He’s my pride and joy. The only thing in the world I love, aside from my best friend Tara. I’m not even allowed to tell her where I’m going, supposedly for my own protection. The cops are downstairs now, talking with my dad about the emails that were sent telling me I’d be abducted if I appeared on television again.

My dad is beside himself.

Even though I’m twenty-three years old — a child in everyone’s eyes — nobody treats me like a woman who can make my own decisions, and since my life has been mapped out for me, I won’t have a choice in this, either. I’ll go along with it so I don’t upset dad.

He only wants what’s best for me. He still hasn’t forgiven me for not telling him I was going on a reality TV show.

My only claim to fame is making some rich girl bleed while my cheating ex tells everyone that I was the kind of chick that made him “want to quit life.”

That’s Dylan for you, anything to take the heat off himself.

My parents divorced when I was small and my mom distanced herself. Maybe her lack of interest in my upbringing made me super jealous of other kids who had both parents, or maybe it just made me resent the fact she never even tried.

She had issues, mentally, and when she went away for treatment, she never came back. She’s never tried contacting me over the years, and I don’t think my dad ever got over her. He can be a handful, but he’s not a bad man. He loves me.

He’d do anything to protect me, which is why I’m being sent away until the cops and my father’s PI can get to the bottom of who is threatening to kill me.

Oh, there’s never a dull moment in the Huntley household.

There’s a knock at the door. I sit up expectantly, hoping they let Tara in. She’s the only one who knows the real me and the only one I can talk to about any of this.

When I see it’s my dad, I roll my eyes.

I’m mad at him, and though he’s trying to make my exile sound like a trip to Disneyland, what the actual fuck am I going to do in a motorcycle clubhouse?

I wonder if he’s lost his damn mind.

“Honey?” he says, his voice low as he enters the darkened room. “It’s me.”
