Page 131 of Rock

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I roll my eyes.

I wonder what my dad would say if he really knew. It’s probably good that Rock put that enclosure up for Pirate, or dad might be inclined to throw him over the top.

As if reading my mind, Dad says, “Nice of Rock to build that for Pirate. I didn’t think of that with such short notice.”

I smile, glancing at Rock, who’s pulling out the food he got for himself, but then he leans over and hands me a Styrofoam container.

“It was nice of him,” I say, as Rock’s eyes meet mine.

He looks away as I tip the lid up and see pancakes underneath. My favorite.

“Let’s eat at the table, sweetie.” I know that invitation doesn’t extend to Rock.

He takes his food out onto the patio, closing the door behind him as my traitorous cat follows behind.

“Looks like Pirate has a new friend,” Dad remarks.

“It’s because he has bacon.” I roll my eyes.

Dad moves to the table, and I follow him. He’s eager to catch up, though in his eyes, I’ve been holed up in this room by myself. In reality, I’ve been all over the city.

I plan on keeping that to myself.

“Are you sure you’re okay with him being here?”

I shrug. “Sometimes some of the girls come over, they’re really nice.” I only say that so he won’t worry and Rock gets reassigned.

“I hope it won’t be for much longer,” Dad goes on. “Then you can come back home.”

“Yeah, Dad, about that.” I didn’t plan on saying anything, but now seems like the perfect time to broach the subject about me breaking away. I’m a grown-ass woman.

He glances up at me as I poke my pancakes with my fork. I don’t even bother getting a plate.

“What about it?”

“Dad. I’ve been living like this for so long now,” I start.

His frown deepens.

“It’s made me realize that I really don’t have a life back home. I didn’t even know how to work the washing machine!”

“Honey. We have people for that.”

I shake my head. Leaning over, I hold his hand. “You’ve spoiled me, Dad. And I know I’m your only child and all, but I haven’t seen anything of the outside world. I’ve never done anything for myself.”

“That isn’t true. You have your charity work…”

“That you organize! I haven’t even been out of the country by myself.”

“Well, it’s a scary world out there. This whole stalking debacle should remind you of that.” He’s getting annoyed.

“No, Dad. Once this blows over, there won’t be any threats. There’s no reason for me to be living in solitude.”

He laughs without humor. “I’m a rich, powerful man, Aspyn. People want to hurt you to get to me. I can’t have that…”

“That’s you, though. It isn’t me. I didn’t choose this. You chose it for me after Mom left. You wrapped me in cotton wool…”

He yanks his hand back. “I’ve been keeping you safe, Aspyn. That’s my job!”
