Page 145 of Rock

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Tipping back tequila shots with Luna, Jas and Manny makes me feel like I’m floating on air. Tara has a sip but screws her nose up.

“She’s a little uptight,” Manny whispers in my ear.

I nod. “She’s an introvert who’s led a sheltered life.”

“Maybe we need to try to get that shot down her throat so she’ll loosen up?”

I giggle. “Maybe.”

“I get it’s not her scene. It was nice of her to come see you,” he goes on.

I nod. “It was. She’s a good friend.”

She’s been pretty quiet since I confessed about Rock. My words shocked even me.

I denied that I’m falling in love with Rock, but that was a lie.

Maybe I am.

Maybe I’m also stupid, but when I fall, I’m all in.

Maybe Manny will know what’s going on tonight and where Rock and everyone else is, so I ask him.

“Trust me, it’s best you don’t know,” he says, looking more worried than I’d like.

“This party is a good distraction, though. Best not to think about it. They’ll be back soon.”

My first thought is that they’re out at a strip club or a bar… As if sensing my fear, Manny adds, “It’s club business, nothing to do with other women.”

I let out a sigh of relief. “What bad stuff do these guys do for down time?”

Manny shrugs. “I stay out of it. They have beef with a rival MC and stuff’s getting hairy. Hence the reason Cash let the party still happen, as it’ll keep the women from worrying. Even though most of the ol’ ladies, if you haven't noticed, aren’t gettin’ trashed. They want to be sober when their men return.”

I glance around and see Crystal and Deanna talking amongst themselves, and Luna and Jas are nowhere to be seen.

“Is everything okay? I mean, are they in danger?” I squeak.

Manny just pats my arm. “Everything’s gonna be fine.”

I honestly don’t know if his words make me feel better or ten times worse. I know something big is going on, and Rock didn’t tell me. Not that he would when I’m not privy to things like club business. The thought of him getting hurt…I can’t deal with that.

I make sure I pay attention to Tara, and she loosens up a little. We even dance to the music on the jukebox.

About an hour later, the clubhouse doors bust open, and the men all come walking in.

The music quickly gets turned down when they come into view, and I’m shocked by what I see. Blood. Some of the men have blood on their shirts and they look like hell.

I stand there in shock as Deanna runs up to Cash and flings into his arms as he catches her. Crystal does the same to Ryder as I shake my head.

Rock? Where is Rock?

“Stay here,” I tell Tara. “Stay by Manny. I’ll be back.”

I don’t even know my feet are moving until I’m pushing past people to find him.

The blood pumps in my veins, and I don’t know what I’m going to do if something bad has happened. I never even got to tell him that I’m falling in love with him.

And now I may never have the chance.
