Page 146 of Rock

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When I see Rock I run toward him and fly into his arms as he catches me.

My body presses into his as I revel in the warmth of his skin, how he cocoons me protectively.

We kiss. My arms around his neck as he holds me by the hips.

When we break free, I glance down. He has blood all over him. It’s dried, but I can see it plain as day.

“It’s not mine,” he tells me quickly. “I’m okay.”

“Rock? What happened?”

There’s a commotion all around us. People are shouting and Cash is trying to call order to the room.

“Who got hurt? Who’s blood is it?”

“We’re all okay.”

I don’t know what’s going on… It’s scaring me.

I cup his face. “Are you sure you’re not hurt?” My eyes well up as he stares at me.

“Come,” he demands, taking my hand as we push through the crowd. He makes his way to the back, past the mayhem to where it’s quiet.

When he pushes the door open to a room, I realize immediately it’s his office. All that’s in here is a desk and a big computer setup with surveillance cameras.

Leading me inside, he slams the door shut, pressing me against it as I moan when his lips touch mine.

He pulls back, shoving his cut off, and then he rips his blood-soaked Henley over his head. I gasp when he pushes his hard dick into my stomach.

He’s covered in blood and he’s hard.

“What happened?” I breathe in between kisses, but Rock already has my dress hitched up to my waist and he’s reaching between my legs, proving I really didn't wear underwear tonight.

“Fuck, Trouble.”

I gasp as he inserts a finger roughly, and I moan into his mouth.

What the hell is going on?

“Are you okay?” I manage.

“I’m fine.”

“But you’re soaked in blood.” I push against him, wanting answers.

He presses his forehead to mine. “I’ll tell you, but I need this first.”

“Covered in someone else’s blood?”

His eyes are dark when he says, “Are you denyin’ me what’s mine?” As he inserts another finger, his other hand moves up to cup my breast.

I need him so much. I want his mouth on me.

I reach up to unzip my dress, but realizing it’s a two-person job, I turn around, and he roughly unzips it for me. I let the top part fall to my waist where it bunches up with the skirt.
