Page 150 of Rock

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“Long enough.”

I shake my head. “Why?”

“Is it true?”

“Answer me first,” I demand. “Why didn’t you just walk away?”

“I… I was shocked. I’m sorry… I had nowhere to go…”

I take a deep breath. “And yes, it’s true. I love him. It’s crazy, I know. And he may not feel the same way, but I’ve spent too long holding my feelings in and keeping everything locked inside. I won’t do it anymore.”

“I do feel the same,” Rock whispers in my ear, loud enough for Tara to hear.

Their gazes meet, and Hell could freeze over.But my heart still warms at hearing his confirmation.

She hugs herself. “I want to go back now.”

I nod. “Okay.”

There’s no point pushing the issue, she needs to cool off.

I turn to Rock. He’s staring down at her with a look on his face that I don’t like. Like he doesn’t like her one little bit.

I need to smooth this over. I can’t have my best friend hating him, not after what we just shared.

“I can drive us, I have my truck here,” he says.

“Why are all the men covered in blood?” Tara asks. “Are the police coming to arrest us all?”

Rock shakes his head. “It’s nothing like that and not as bad as it looks, trust me. The assholes deserved it.”

Tara screws her nose up and shakes her head. “Are you coming, Aspyn?”

I turn to look at her. “We’re all going.”

“I think it’s best if I go home in the morning,” she says. “Just so you know, I don’t think your dad is going to be too happy to hear about this. I told him I’d keep an eye on you.”

Now my anger really boils that she’d threaten me with that. “That isn’t your job,” I tell her. “That’s Rock’s job. My dad knows about the MC…” I don’t mean to be cruel, but she’s acting like my mom, not my best friend.

“Yes, but does he know that they’re thugs?”

I wince like she just slapped me. “Rock isn’t a thug!”

“Like you said, you don’t even know his last name…” Her words mock me and make me feel stupid.

I get this is scary and there is no explanation for why Rock has blood on him, but there will be a reason. And for her to walk in and watch us having sex? What the hell is wrong with her?

Rock holds me tighter, his eyes never leaving Tara. “It’s time to go,” he says, kissing me on the back of my head.


There’s silence as we ride in the car.

I’m pissed, to be honest.

I don’t know who this Tara chick thinks she is acting this way. I’m in my own goddamn clubhouse, and she’s acting as if I personally did something to her.

She doesn’t own Aspyn.
