Page 156 of Rock

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I learned that when I was on the streets all those years ago. Mistake number one.

Maybe Forger isn’t exactly the genius we thought he was. And this might just be his undoing.

Of course, Jett and I did research on the Caruso family. It’s not like there aren’t pictures of them on the internet. The head of the family, Don Carlo and his underboss and brother Salerno, run the family business. Only Salerno is here, with another man who I don’t recognize to his right.

They really want to do fuckin’ business if they sent the underboss and his muscle.

All the while, the Irish are getting fucked over from all sides. If we ever get out of this, Cash will have some explaining to do.

“Salerno,” Forger says. The men don’t shake hands. In fact, armed men stand all around, looking as grim as you’d imagine any crime boss family security to look.

This isn’t going as planned.

“Forger, I hear you’ve been a busy man.”

Forger chuckles as we move closer. “That I have. Securing the underworld crime syndicate for your family’s return.”

What in the actual fuck?

Forger is insane.

If he’s planning on sniffing out the Irish, then he doesn’t care about backlash. The man must have a serious fuckin’ death wish.

“This is my consigliere, Este.” Salerno gestures to the man, but my eyes are locked on him.

There’s something about him that’s familiar. Vaguely.

Big Papa moves with Forger as I stick to him like glue until we’re face to face with the other men. “These are my friends,” Forger says. “Big Papa, who I’m sure you know all about.”

Salerno looks up at me, and I freeze.

Why is this man so familiar? Who the fuck is he?

He glances away, lighting up a thin cigar… The scent wafts over and cloaks me in dread and bitterness. Memories…and an empty house. A mother who was constantly out of it.

Then it all clicks into place.

When I look at Jett, and he’s gone rigid, his stance alarming as I see his hand on his belt, close to his hidden gun.

I glance back at Salerno.

His suit.

His gold medallion.

The ring on his pinkie finger.

No fucking way.

I swallow hard, the pain beginning in the back of my head as I will myself not to have a panic attack.

Jett’s hands turn to fists as Salerno smiles at something his confidant says and I cringe.

It’s him.

The man who…the man who haunts my dreams. The man who took everything from me and my brother. Who used our mother like a whore and beat her, then took her children in the vilest of ways.

I feel the bile rising in my throat. As if I could ever forget.
