Page 174 of Rock

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Cash walks in behind him, giving Rock a pointed look.

All the warnings he gave Rock and he didn’t listen to any one of them.

I try not to laugh as Dad pulls back. This is no laughing matter.

“What’s so funny?” He quirks a brow.

I shake my head. “Hysterical reaction. I’m fine. I had a mild concussion.”

“Cash told me everything.” He glances at Rock. “What he didn’t tell me was about you. The man hired to guard my princess. Why are you holding my daughter's hand and sitting so close to her?”

“Dad,” I start. “Something happened while I was down here.”

“In a week?” He shakes his head. “Aspyn, that is utterly ridiculous. You don’t even know this man.”

“It’s been more than a week,” I start lamely, my head throbbing.

“I know that I’m in love with your daughter,” Rock says. “I know I’ve never felt this way before, and we didn’t mean for it to happen.”

“You’re the reason she was kidnapped!” he snaps.

“No!” I cry. “It wasn’t Rock’s fault. I slipped out of bed, and he was still sleeping…”

“Jesus Christ.”

Oops, wrong thing to say.

“What I meant was, I was supposed to wake Rock up when Tara left, and I didn’t. That’s on me, not him.”

“Please, Mr. Huntley. Don’t be mad at her. I should’ve been there, and I wasn’t. That’s on me,” Rock says.

I glance at him, confused.

My dad isn’t having it. “This could’ve been a disaster, look at you! Bruised and battered.” He turns to Cash, eyes narrowed. “I thought you said your men could be trusted!”

“They can,” Cash replies, leaning against the door jam. “But it looks like the two of them found one another regardless.”

“Your daughter is amazing,” Rock says. “I never meant for this to happen, but it happened fast. Even if I wanted to stop it, I’m not sure I could.”

“I don’t have to sit here and listen to this!”

“Dad,” I plead. “Please! For once in your life, listen! This is what I want. I want to get to know Rock. We’ve fallen fast, I admit that, but if you could just see how happy he makes me. How much I want this… You’d be happy for us.”

Dad searches my eyes and sobers, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “We’ll talk about this later, when you’re feeling better.”

“I’m feeling better now, and I’m not changing my mind,” I state firmly.

“What are you saying?”

I take a breath. “I’m staying in New Orleans, Dad.”

He shakes his head, huffing out a breath. “Clearly, she has a concussion, she’s not thinking straight.”

“I am thinking straight!” I fire back. “For the first time in my life, I see things so much more clearly. I want to work some things out for myself. I’m a grown woman, Dad. I love you so much, but you have to let me live my life.”

He doesn’t say anything and stands to leave. “I need a moment.”

Rock nods, and we watch as he leaves the room. I can tell he’s angry and wants to knock Rock into next week, but he also doesn’t want to upset me.
