Page 21 of Rock

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“It’s a reality show,” Ryder clarifies, barely containing his laughter. “Rich chicks from all walks of life livin’ in a house together, tryin’ to operate fancy appliances and failin’ badly.”

“Do I look like the kind of asshole who watches reality TV?”

“You do kinda look like a Real Housewives kinda brother,” Cash observes as I throw him a glare.

“Are we gonna get to the point?” I so need a fuckin’ coffee.

“She got kicked off the show for brawlin’ with some other chick who hooked up with her boyfriend,” Ryder goes on. “Then she was stalked and started gettin’ death threats. Apparently, it’s not the first time.”

“I’m a good friend of her father,” Cash explains. “We go way back. I said she could come down here until all this shit gets sorted. I need you to watch her.”

I frown. “You want me to babysit this chick?”


“With all due respect, Prez, can’t Harlem or Tag do that?” Harlem is the club's Enforcer. Surely, if anyone was going to be someone’s personal fuckin’ bodyguard, it should be one of those guys.

“They’re out lookin’ for Forger,” Cash reminds me. “Goin’ down this weekend, but the aftermath is gonna require cleaning up. She’ll be here Sunday.”

The beef we have with our rival club, the Devils Ink, has recently resurfaced. We dealt with them a while back, but then some of the club members survived the fallout and went underground.

I know why Cash wants to keep me away from all of that and it’s because I got shot recently and almost died. Not only that, it was his fuckin’ step-brother who shot me, the former Prez for the Devils. Now Forger has taken over, back from the dead. He’s also Indigo’s ex, she’s Harlem’s ol’ lady.

Trouble is, he’s been flying under the radar for a little too long. Once he’s found, he’s a dead man. He even kidnapped his own daughter, Indigo’s kid Cami, and she almost burned to death in a crypt. The club was in lockdown for a few weeks, but now that we have a location to where we think the members are meeting secretly, we have half a chance at fuckin’ them up for good.

“Shit,” I mutter.

“You know Harlem and Tag both have vendettas against Forger,” Ryder says. “Only fair they get first dibs at him.”

That is understandable.

Turns out, Luna’s ex-boyfriend was funding the Devils Ink with stolen money from her father’s firm. That’s how they were able to re-establish so fast. That guy’s been taken care of now. Feeding those alligators has become a little pastime for all of us of late.

There’s definitely some well-fed reptiles in the swamp down in the bayou.

“They get any leads on the stalker?” I ask, turning the conversation back to where it needs to go.

“The ex-boyfriend is the main suspect, Dylan Maloney, though it doesn’t look like he could fight his way out of a paper bag,” Cash mutters.

“And her father doesn’t have security on her?”

Cash shakes his head. “They’re useless. Trust me, this is a last resort. She’s had death threats and had a stalker. The stalker left a bunch of photos of Aspyn all over her dressing room with the eyes cut out of all the pictures. There was also a note saying they’d be seeing her soon. Aspyn was never aware of it since it all got cleaned up before she came back.” He pauses. “She’ll be safe with us, and she has no ties to New Orleans. Nobody will be lookin’ for her here.”

“What kind of chick is she like?” There isn’t much to go on in the file. Just basic information, and that photograph that I swear to God will haunt me for the rest of time.

Mystery girl.

That’s what she is. And trouble.

Though, from the sounds of it so far, she’s only defended herself and smacked a girl in the face for cheating with her boyfriend. She sounds like my kinda chick.

“If you’re askin’ for an open pass to nail her, that’s a no,” Cash states firmly. “I told her pops we’d hide her. The press is all over it and she needs to lay low. She has no ties to the MC and frankly nobody would come lookin’ here for her. If they did, we would have the manpower to protect her.”

“Takin’ it her pops is rich if he’s some big mogul in LA?”

Cash nods. “She’s his little princess.”

I groan. “Awesome, you’ve stuck me with a brat.”
