Page 22 of Rock

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“Owed him a favor,” Cash goes on. “One that makes us even. When we were younger, we got into trouble a lot. This one time, I was cornered in a dark alley with three guys tryin’ to beat me with a baseball bat. It was a case of mistaken identity, but they didn’t care about that. Let’s just say he saved my life that night.”

“Am I gonna be able to do my other work?”

“Not at the shop, but if she wants to try her hand at drivin’ trucks, why not?” Ryder pipes up.

Even though I’ve only just laid eyes on this chick, I know for a fact she’s never done a day's work in her life. She has that look. I know her type and she’s gonna be a handful.

Still, how hard could it be? I mean, if I get to sit around babysitting and working from a laptop, why not?

Cash gives me a chin lift. “Can still work security while you watch her. Do what you need to do. You won’t get any trouble out of her.”

I snort, looking up at him from the file. “You really think that’s true?”

“She’s scared,” Cash says. “As much as she tells her father she isn’t, he knows her better than anyone and she’ll do what he says. They have a strained relationship and she never told him about the show. He had to see it on national TV.”

“So she’s a daddy’s girl?”

“Could say that. He spoiled her, so expect a little backlash. She’s used to gettin’ her own way. But her bark’s worse than her bite, or so I’ve been told.” He scratches his chin, not looking one bit sorry for me.

“There really is nobody else?” I wince. I mean, she’s hot, but it’s not like I’m gonna fuck her. She’s too young, for one. Her profile says she’s twenty-three.

Even if the idea that she’s completely off limits makes my dick stir.

Those pretty eyes…

Cash shakes his head. “Don’t trust that Nevada or Riot will stay out of her pants and that would be an issue.”

She couldn’t be a virgin, for Christ’s sake. Hell, she might even enjoy it.

“You sayin’ you trust me to stay out of her pants?” I smirk.

Cash stares me down. “If you know what’s good for you, and just so we’re clear; fuckin’ her is off the table. I don’t need her whinin’ to daddy that you’ve gone and fucked with her and broke her heart. For fuck’s sake, don’t need any more drama.”

Well damn. There goes the fun police. “You’ve said it three times, boss. I got it.”


“Not my type anyway,” I mutter.

I smell Manny’s BLT before he even appears and my stomach growls.

The man can cook, that’s for sure. He works here full-time and loves to experiment with recipes and we’re the lucky recipients.

“Knock, knock,” he sing-songs.

This man is the only person I know who’s so cheery first thing in the morning.

“Oof,” he says, when he places the plate in front of Cash, but his eyes are on me. “Have a bad night, handsome?”

He’s also bi and doesn’t have any bones about letting everyone know, not that you’d have to guess with the getup he’s wearing to cook in; patent leather pants, a canary yellow shirt, and smudged eyeliner under his eyes that make him look like a pretty punk rocker. Everyone in the club loves him and the chicks adore him like lovesick little puppies. He’s a good guy, but I shit stir him a lot, and he gives it right back.

“Actually, no,” I lie. “Couple chicks kept me up all night, that could be why.”

Of course, within an MC you have to keep up appearances, even if nobody has seen you with a chick, or in this case two chicks, in weeks.

“Uh huh.” Manny gives me a chin lift. “Need to work on a little more shut-eye. Don’t want people saying your brother is better looking.”

Ryder hoots with laughter, and Cash runs a hand over his face as he chuckles. I think his new baby Caprice has been keeping him and Deanna up. Fatherhood suits him; he has always been a protective motherfucker.
